Local News
FDL School District Announces Free Meals Will Continue
The following press release was issued by the Fond du Lac School District, in regards to the continuation of the Free Meals for kids ages 18 and under.
Dear Fond du Lac School District Families,
On August 31, 2020, the USDA announced that school breakfast and lunch will be free to all children 18 and under through December 31st, 2020, or until the USDA runs out of funds. This means that all children 18 and under can get free breakfast and lunch daily,
following the school calendar, whether they are enrolled in our District or not.
For students participating in the In-Person Learning Platform during the Blended Model, they are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch daily. These meals are also free until December 31, 2020, or until the USDA funding runs out. Students will also be given
the option to pre-order a 3-day meal pack to consume during their remote learning days. Students can pick these up at school on Tuesdays (Cohort A) or Fridays (Cohort B) at the end of the day. The first days these packs will be available will be Tuesday, September
8, 2020, and Friday, September 11, 2020. Families will need to pre-order the meal packs using this form: http://bit.ly/FDL-Food-Order
For students in the Remote Learning Platform, meals will be available on a pre-order and pick-up basis. A 5-day meal pack will be available to be picked up at Riverside Elementary gym lobby doors on each Monday from 11 am – 1 pm. We ask that you please pre-order
your meal pack the week before using the pre-order form.
These free meals for children are effective back to September 1, 2020. If your child participated in breakfast or lunch on September 1st, those meals are free and any charges will be reversed.
Chris Manfred
Aramark Food Service Director