Local News
FDL School District Friend Of Education

Fond du Lac School District (FDLSD) recognized Linda Bastian and the Fondy Food Pantry as the 2014-15 Friend of Education award recipients at the November 24 Board of Education meeting. Pictured here are: Marian Sheridan, FDLSD School Health, Safety, Attendance & Transportation Coordinator; Sarah Zimmerman, Fondy Food Pantry President; Linda Bastian, Fondy Food Pantry volunteer and Food for Thought Coordinator; Elizabeth Hayes, Board of Education President; Terry Hansen-Beno, Pantry/Volunteer Coordinator; Sue Strong, Fondy Food Pantry Treasurer; and Dr. James Sebert, Superintendent of Schools. Linda Bastian was notably recognized for her “leadership and dedication in developing an organizational program and partnership focused on the nutritional needs of our community’s children.”