Local News
FDL School District rolls out Summer meal program
We’re getting ready to turn the page on May and head into June, which means schools are letting out and summer break is on the way for many students; that also means even more kids MAY not have access to proper nutrition. The FDL School District just announced the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program, which is funded by the USDA and administered by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; it’s designed to provide nutritious meals to children during the summer when free and reduced-price school meals are typically unavailable. Free meals will be made available to children 18 years of age and under; breakfast will be served June 10-28th at Chegwin, Riverside, Parkside and Evans schools from 7:30-8:30, and at Fondy High from 7:30-8; lunch at those schools will be 11-12 from June 10 to August 16 (closed July 4-5) lunch at the Johnsonville Boys and Girls Club and at Theisen is from 11:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. and snack time at the Johnsonville Boys and Girls Club and at Theisen is from 2:00 p.m. till 3:00 p.m. Meals are provided to eligible children regardless of race, color, national origin, age, gender or disability and there will be no discrimination during the course of meal service.