Local News
FDL Winter Parking Restrictions Observed During Storm

In anticipation of the upcoming storm, the City of Fond du Lac asks the community to be especially diligent in following the Winter Parking Restrictions over the next several days. By alternating the sides of the street you park on each night, it allows our snow plow crews to more efficiently and effectively clear the roadways. When plow drivers are unable to fully clear each side, it creates a narrower path for all drivers and parked vehicles and further increases the delays and inconveniences to residents and visitors of the city.
The Winter Parking Restrictions take effect each night at 8:00pm through the following morning at 8:00am. On ODD numbered days, such as today, residents should park on the ODD side of the street only. The same practice applies to EVEN numbered days which allow parking on the EVEN side only. These restrictions override all other on-street parking restrictions in place on any street where parking is allowed. Also, any METERED AREA is restricted to 60 minutes between the hours of 2:00am and 6:00am.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance in making our roadway conditions safe for everyone.