Local News
Feyen Officially Kicks Off Senate Campaign

State Senate candidate Dan Feyen officially kicked off his campaign this week in Fond du Lac. About 50 people attended a meet and greet and fundraiser at Whispering Spring Golf Course. He says it was a great crowd and they talked about issues like fixing the skills gap, fixing transportation funding, protecting 2nd amendment rights, and standing up for pro-life issues. The Fond du Lac County Republican Party Chairman announced he was running for the seat early last December. He says he’s addressed groups, gone door-to-door, and is getting the word out on his campaign. Incumbent Senator Rick Gudex of Fond du Lac, a Republican, chose not to run for re-election. Since then four people have announced their intentions to run for the seat. In addition to Feyen; Oshkosh businessman Mark Elliot, is running as a Republican. Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris and UW-Oshkosh Professor John Lemberger are Democrats running for the seat. Feyen says he’s ready for the challenge.