Local News
FFA Day On The Farm Events Held In The Area
It is that time of the year when local FFA Chapters invite elementary students out to a local farm to teach them different aspects of the agriculture industry. On Wednesday April 30th, Laconia FFA, in the Rosendale Brandon School District, hosted youth from the Laconia, Oshkosh and Fond du Lac School Districts to Rickland Farms near Eldorado. Rickland Farms is owned and operated by the Don & Lila Rickert Family.The Laconia Chapter is under the supervision of Linda Sattler.
On Thursday and Friday May 8th & 9th the Waupun Area FFA Chapter hosted over 800 students from the Waupun School District at Daane Dairy between Ladoga and Alto. Daane Dairy is owned and operated by the Daane Family. The Waupun Area FFA Chapter is under the supervision of Tari Costello, Kris Beaver and Ryan Seichter.
The events are set up for groups of students to travel from station to station, each with FFA members talking about a different topic. The topics range from maple syrup production to calf raising and most everything in between. Both chapters feel this event serves a multi-purpose; agriculture education for the attendees, leadership development for the FFA members and recruitment for the FFA Chapter.
Laconia and Waupun Chapters have been holding this educational event for over 14 years.