Local News
Fire At Wayside Bar

Fire destroyed the Wayside Bar & Grill in Fond du Lac early this morning. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase says they arrived at 4:40 a.m. to find the whole upstairs of the bar at 295 West Division Street on fire and smoke in the bar and restaurant. He says fire consumed the apartment upstairs, which was vacant but they weren’t sure about the damage to the lower floor. Police officers arrived at the scene first and reported heavy fire. He says the owner told them they had left between 2 and 3 a.m. after closing up for the night and as far as they knew there was no one in the building. Haase says the building will likely be considered a total loss between the fire damage on the upper floor and smoke and water damage throughout. At least 50 firefighters from 12 departments were involved in fighting the blaze. The police and fire departments are investigating the fire. The bar was popular for its fish frys.
Fond du Lac Firefiighters are on the scene of a fire at the Wayside Bar in Fond du Lac. Troy Haase of the Fond du Lac Fire Rescue says the building appears to be a total loss. The fire call came around 4am.
Click here to listen to KFIZ’s interview with Fond du Lac Fire Rescue’s Troy Haasse at the scene
To see Facebook video from the fire scene click here.
Facebook video of interview with Troy Haase click here.
Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue photo.