Fond du Lac Area Foundation Awards Grants To Area Nonprofit Organizations

The Fond du Lac Area Foundation has awarded 24 grants totaling nearly $89,000 to nonprofit organizations through the fall grant cycle.

Each of the 24 grants will distinctively support projects, programs, and organizational needs that focus on improving the quality of life in Fond du Lac County.

Fond du Lac Area Foundation Executive Director Aaron Sadoff said “The Foundation is proud to have been able to provide grants because of our generous donors. The nonprofits, schools, and municipalities in Fond du Lac County work so hard; our board of directors is honored to award grants to empower their efforts.”

All eligible 501(c)3 organizations in Fond du Lac County are eligible to apply for grant funding of up to $5,000 through the foundation.

Since January 1, 2022, the Fond du Lac Area Foundation has awarded over $2.5 million to a multitude of nonprofit agencies. The Foundation says it’s all-encompassing grant
initiatives seek to strengthen the overall effectiveness of local nonprofits.

Applications for the next grant cycle are due by January 15, 2023. You can learn more by visiting their website at

The following projects have been approved for funding:

· Solutions Center: $5,000 to support their mission of providing 24-hour service to those in crisis.

· Fondy Food Pantry: $5,000 for the Food for Thought program.

· Salvation Army of Fond du Lac: $5,000 for mentoring, casework, and individual recovery needs.

· Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Inc. WI Fond du Lac: $4, 725 toward the purchase of a trailer.

· Friends of Women in Recovery (Beacon House): $5,000 for opioid treatment.

· We EmpowHER: $5,000 for the expansion of the empowerment series to a six-month program.

· Fond du Lac Literacy Services: $2,500 to strengthen free tutoring services.

· Salute the Troops, Inc.: $4,000 for a seven-week veteran program.

· Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern WI, Inc.: $3,000 for room sponsorship that allows families receiving medical care to stay free of charge.

· Kettle Moraine Angels: $2,500 for the Christmas Angel Giving Tree.

· NAMI Fond du Lac: $5,000 to expand program offerings at Friendship Corner.

· United for Diversity: $1,500 for Celebrate Community.

· Gratitude Club, Inc.: $5,000 to install durable flooring in high traffic areas.

· Blandine House, Inc.: $5,000 for residence improvements.

· Alternative Learning Center (NFDL Public Schools): $600 for materials not available in the budget and $1,300 for the Artist in Residence program.

· South Shore Chorale: $3,000 to support their anniversary season.

· Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts: $3,300 for Art of Community and the Farm Dinner.

· Fond du Lac Family YMCA Gymnastics Program: $5,000 for a scholarship fund to benefit team gymnastics.

· Cardinal Athletic Alumni Association: $2,066 for the purchase of two Waterboy drinking stations.

· Ebony Vision: $4,000 to support continued services to abused youth and mentorship to young adults.

· Fond du Lac Area United Way: $3,000 for the United Way Youth Advisory Board.

· Sophia Transformative Leadership Partners: $3,500 for Youth Leadership Fond du Lac.

· Church Health Services, Inc.: $5,000 to increase the capacity of mental health services offered in local schools.