Fond du Lac Christian School purchases land for new campus as enrollment grows

On Friday, July 26, 2024, Fond du Lac Christian School closed on 20 acres of land near the intersection of Highway K and 151 with an eye towards building a new and expanded campus.

The story of that purchase began over 25 years ago, when a small group of families started Fond du Lac Christian School. They wanted to see their kids thrive on a foundation that would carry them through life in an environment where the values of their home, church, and school unite in a beautiful chorus.

In all its years, Fond du Lac Christian School has celebrated students who have built on that foundation of values. Students who have called Fond Lac Christian School home have become missionaries, doctors, scientists, soldiers, teachers, and more.

Since 2019-2020, Fond du Lac Christian School has experienced steady growth increasing in enrollment from 78 to 110 students.

As Fond du Lac Christian School grew, those in charge began to dream. In 2022-2023, five committees worked together to chart the future of Fond du Lac Christian School. Asking questions about how students could flourish in sports, the arts, STEM programming, with respect to their unique needs, and in a new building space, the people of Fond du Lac Christian School charted its future.

On Friday, Fond du Lac Christian School served the students of its future by purchasing land for it’s new home. The current plans envision donor driven steps and building to proceed in stages. The result is that the founders’ vision is becoming accessible to more students as children grow from wonder to wisdom.