Local News
Fondy Fast F Becoming Popular In Yards Throughout FDL

Fondy High School pride is on display through a new fashion in the community, on people’s lawns. School District Superintendent Jim Sebert says his wife Amy had seen something similar in other communities and thought something similar could be done in Fond du Lac. He says they asked School Board member Eric Everson if he could create a template of the “Fast F” on the Fond du Lac Cardinal’s football helmet. He says Everson used math skills to create a large enough template so that people driving by could see it on lawns. Sebert says his yard was the first in the community they tried it on. They got the High’s School Spirit Committee involved and for $20 they will put the “Fast F” in the yard of those who want to support Fruth Field improvements and the Spirit Committee activities. Sebert says they are in over 50 yards throughout Fond du Lac now. An order former is posted through Google. To access it click here.