Local News
Fondy Food Panty Receives $2,000 Grant

The Fondy Food Pantry received a $2,000 grant from the Enterprise Holdings Foundation through a partnership with Holiday Automotive.
The Enterprise Holdings Foundation was established to allow Enterprise to give back to communities where its partners and employees live and work. Enterprise has a longstanding relationship with Holiday Automotive in Fond du Lac whose core values and community involvement align with the mission of the Enterprise Foundation grant program.
Adam Turner, Senior Account Manager at Enterprise Holdings states, “Holiday Automotive truly embodies the spirit of the Enterprise Holdings Foundation and we are proud to support the community that Michael (Shannon, Jr.) and the employees of Holiday hold so dear.”
The Fondy Food Pantry provides supplemental, healthy food options and education for families in need in Fond du Lac County. Serving over 3,000 community residents through partnerships with local churches, businesses and other community agencies, the charity also provides nutritious, child-pleasing groceries for up to 1,000 elementary school students through its Food for Thought program.
“Every dollar collected helps us to bring enjoyable, well-rounded meals to our friends and neighbors who may have an unmet food need; whether that need is temporary or ongoing. The impact that this $2,000 grant has on our ability to increase our direct outreach to children and families in our community cannot be overstated,” commented Mallory Gilbertson, President of the Fondy Food Pantry.