Local News
Former FDL City Council President Michael Schmal Dies

Former Fond du Lac City Council President Mike Schmal is being remembered for his efforts in the community. Schmal died Tuesday at the age of 67. He was on the Council for nine years, serving as president for three of them. Mark Jurgella served on the Council with Schmal. He and Schmal were involved in exposing a scandal involving former Fond du Lac City Human Resources Director Ben Mercer and City Manager Tom Ahrens. Jurgella says it was a difficult time for the City, but Schmal was about doing the right thing. He says he gives Mike a lot of credit for his leadership on that. Mercer was convicted of possessing child pornography and Ahrens resigned in the wake of the scandal. Marty Ryan also served with Schmal on the Council. He remembers Schmal wanting to contribute to the community. He says Mike was passionate about Fond du Lac and felt compelled to want to give back to the community. Schmal ran Michael’s Jewelers for 31 years. He also served as President and CEO of the Fond du Lac Convention and Visitors Bureau for nearly 5 years. The Uecker-Witt Funeral Home is handling funeral arrangements.
To read the obituary for Michael Schmal click here.
Photo courtesy Uecker-Witt.