Local News
Four FDL Firefighters Sworn In For New Roles With The Department
Four Fond du Lac firefighters were sworn into different roles with the department Thursday morning. Nate Philipsky completed his 1 year probation to become a full fledged firefighter. Brian Vahsholtz was promoted to lieutenant. Lieutenant Jim Wamser is now a captain and Captain Jim Knowles becomes an assistant chief. Chief Peter O’Leary says a total of seven people were sworn into positions with the department this week three of them new firefighters. Jim Knowles says his young son, Jim Knowles the fourth, is already intrigued by the fire service and has a Pierce Manufacturing calendar on the wall of his room. He says the boy is waiting for December because the calendar features a Fond du Lac Fire Vehicle on it. Also sworn in this week were firefighters Nate Zellner and Taylor Huenink and Lieutenant Ben Stephany.
Left to right: Jim Knowles, Jim Wamser, Brian Vahsholt, and Nate Philipsky.