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Four Generations Strong, Zimmerman Siblings Will Play During Fond du Lac Basketball Double Header Tuesday
Tomorrow night marks a milestone for the Zimmerman Family of Fond du Lac as two siblings will be suiting up to play basketball on the same night in the same building, as the Fond du Lac Cardinals boys and girls teams play in a double header basketball game at the Fond du Lac Acuity Fieldhouse at the Fond du Lac High School against the Appleton East Patriots.
Not only do the two from the same family play basketball but they are the fourth generation in their family to do so. Fond du Lac senior Rachel Zimmerman will be playing in the girls varsity game at 6 p.m., and sophomore Eli Zimmerman, will be playing in the boys varsity game at 7:30.
Their dad, Mike Zimmerman, who played for Fond du Lac from 1993-1996 will be in the stands watching with his Dad, Steve Zimmerman, who played for Fondy from 1966-1969.
Steve was a second generation cardinals basketball player following his father’s footsteps, Gale Zimmerman, who began the legacy during the 1941-42 season before graduating in 1944.
Gale later led Fond du Lac High School’s Athletic Department as the Athletic Director from 1981-1987 and was inducted into the FDL Athletic Hall of Fame in 2010.
Gale’s father Henry Zimmerman was the first Fond du Lac Cardinal in the family graduating in 1911. Although he was not on the basketball team.