Local News
Fox Valley Robberies Make Be Linked To Website

The Oshkosh Police Department has investigated two separate robberies in which a
victim has corresponded with the suspect(s) on MeetMe.com, a social network dating
website. The robberies occurred in the City of Oshkosh in December 2015 and in
January 2016, and it is believed there are possibly more robberies that have gone
unreported. Two individuals are in custody for the January 2016 robbery; and charges
are pending for the December 2015 incident.
In each incident, the victim had been in contact with the suspect(s) after responding to
their profile and agreed to meet. The victim’s were then robbed; however, no one was
injured during the incident. It is believed that victim’s were targeted in the Fox Valley
area, including Oshkosh.
Oshkosh Police are asking those that were on MeetMe.com and were a victim of a
robbery that has not been reported; please contact Detective April Hinke at (920) 236-