Local News
Free Investment Workshop Offered

The Fond du Lac community has a unique opportunity to get non-biased information on personal investing during a free investment workshop that begins today. Jeff Kemp, a financial educator and recipient of the 201 Governor’s Award for Financial Literacy, will conduct a 7 week Investment Workshop at Moraine Park Technical College beginning tonight and at the Fond du Lac Senior Center in March and April. The MPTC workshop will be held on Thursday evenings at 6 p.m., beginning tonight and continues through February 19. The class will be held in room O-103/O-104. The MPTC classes are free and no registration is required. The spring workshop held at the Fond du Lac Senior Center will be on Monday afternoons from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. from March 2 through April 6. Pre-registration is needed for this workshop so that enough chairs can be set up. It is also free and open to all ages. Please call 322-3630 to pre-register.