Local News
Frozen Chosen Now Available On Netflix

Fond du Lac hosted the world premiere of the documentary “The Frozen Chosen” two years ago, but it is now getting a much wider audience. Filmmaker Steve Boettcher put together the film about two families of sturgeon spearers and the sturgeon season on Lake Winnebago. Craig Molitor is the President of the Fond du Lac Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. He says earlier this year Netflix contacted Boettcher and now the documentary can be seen on Netflix. Molitor says Netflix has a potential audience of 81 million people worldwide, which is a much bigger reach than the CVB is usually afforded for promoting the area. He says the nice thing about the documentary is how it captures something unique and special to the area. Molitor says they still have DVD copies of the documentary they sell with profits going to Sturgeon for Tomorrow.
Pictured filmmaker Steve Boettcher.