Wisconsin News
FTC’s ‘Youville’ Helps Kids Learn Internet Safety
The young people in your life probably spend a lot of time online — watching videos, playing games and texting friends. But do they have the skills to question and evaluate what they find there?
The FTC’s new program Youville can help parents and educators teach kids ages 8-12 about privacy and online safety. Youville is free, standards-based, and contains activities to help kids learn how to safely navigate the online world in a way that is engaging and fun.
Youville consists of 12 lessons, activity sheets, posters, and other free materials, and can be used by parents or in classrooms, libraries, after-school care programs, youth groups, and more. Consider engaging in Youville over the holiday break, especially if new devices are introduced. Or tell your child’s educators about Youville and learn more at consumer.ftc.gov by searching for “Youville.”