Sports News
Golf League Honor Scores – 5-20-16
Here’s a list of local golf league scores. Send your league scores to and they will be posted every Friday.
Wednesday Morning League
Les Hemauer, 40
Dick Harris, 38
Ron Cole, 39
Rich Leider, 38
Jim Meyer, 39
Howie Scheberl, 42
Frank Quijas, 40
Steve Sheridan, 45
Dan Rohlinger, 40
Mike Kietzer, 42
Dave Cordes, 40
Dale Brath, 45
Carlone’s Bar
Rolling Meadows
Dan Kahut 36
Tony Steffen 39
Bill Ferrall 40
Brad Spoerke 41
Paul Schaefer 41
Jake Collien 42
Brandon Morris 44
Larry Randal 44
Kory Knueppel 45
Jamie Howard 45
Late KC – Rolling Meadows
Nelson Pickart 40
Mike McGinnis 43
Jeff Cords 44
Mike Riese 45
Boda’s Restaurant
Whispering Springs 5-19
Brian Kuhnz 38
Todd Butz 39
Jeff Heller 40
Dan Kahut 40
Jason Ramminger 41
Mike Abler 42
Jamie Fritz 42
Jeff Kuhnz 42
John Morris 42
John Schaeve 42
Kevin Arne 43
Gary Deitte 43
Tony Doll 44
Matthew Miller 44
Jeff Waller 44
Erik Spies 45
Tom Wohlust 45