Local News
Good First Year For FDL County Sheriffs Benevolent Association

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Benevolent Association had a successful first year. Donna Whitty of the Association says they were just getting their feet wet, but hope to have more events in 2015. She says they will have a chili cook off next month. She says ultimately their goal is benefit the community through the events that they hold. She says half of what they make will be given back to the community and they hope to establish a scholarship fund. Their most recent effort was the “Feed the Cat” Food Drive held on Thursday, December 11th. They collected 640 pounds of non-perishable food that was given to the Salvation Army in Fond du Lac and the Holyland Food Pantry.
In the picture left to right Association members Rick Olig, Donna Whitty, Carmen Elliot, Eric Halbach and Jeff Bonack.