Local News
Governor Walker Visits Republican Voters In FDL

Governor Scott Walker visited Fond du
Lac today to rally Republican voters. Walker told the gathering at the local
GOP’s headquarters that they need to battle voter complacency. He says some of
the voters who cast their ballots for him in the recall election were casting
their votes to protest the recall. Walker says since he’s been Governor more
than 100,000 jobs have been added, unemployment is down, personal income has
improved, and property taxes are down. He says his opponent Democratic candidate
Mary Burkes is criticizing Wisconsin’s comeback. He said voting for Burke would
be like voting for a third term of Jim Doyle’s policies. He says they were
blessed four years ago, but there are a lot of people in Madison who haven’t
forgotten about what happened four years ago. Walker also says $300 million is
being pumped into five states with Republican governors including Wisconsin in
an effort to unseat those governors. Walker also visited with Republican voters
in Appleton.
Lac today to rally Republican voters. Walker told the gathering at the local
GOP’s headquarters that they need to battle voter complacency. He says some of
the voters who cast their ballots for him in the recall election were casting
their votes to protest the recall. Walker says since he’s been Governor more
than 100,000 jobs have been added, unemployment is down, personal income has
improved, and property taxes are down. He says his opponent Democratic candidate
Mary Burkes is criticizing Wisconsin’s comeback. He said voting for Burke would
be like voting for a third term of Jim Doyle’s policies. He says they were
blessed four years ago, but there are a lot of people in Madison who haven’t
forgotten about what happened four years ago. Walker also says $300 million is
being pumped into five states with Republican governors including Wisconsin in
an effort to unseat those governors. Walker also visited with Republican voters
in Appleton.
Fond du Lac County Republican Party Chairman Dan Feyen introduces Governor Scott Walker.