Local News
Greyson Needs a Kidney (Audio)

Greyson is only 3-years-old and has already been through more than most people in a lifetime. Born in March of 2019 at 32 weeks via c-section to Katie Emanuel Rusch and Shane Neubauer, his medical journey began immediately. Within the first 24 hours of life, doctors were concerned with Greyson’s low urine output. Genetic testing was performed with results showing he has a rare genetic disorder called Denys-Drash Syndrome (DDS) of which he is 1 of approximately 500 known cases in the world. Greyson was also diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease and Retinitis Pigmentosa determining him to be in Stage 5 renal failure.
After a long six-month stay in the NICU and multiple surgeries, including a cardiac arrest at 11 days old for seven minutes, Greyson was discharged home on Peritoneal Dialysis. Overall Greyson’s health has been without a doubt challenging the past three years with many ups and downs while growing to get to the exact length and weight ideal for a kidney transplant. After being checked off by all of his specialist doctors, Greyson has been approved to be listed for a kidney transplant! This is where you all come in!
We are looking for a living donor transplant. Statistics show living donor organs longevity are 20-40 years; with Greyson being so young, this is the ideal route to go down. We ask if you or your friends and family are interested and able to be tested, please message this page or follow the contact information to Froedtert Medical College of Wisconsin, which is located on the cover photo.