Local News
Hayes Runs For Another Term On The FDL School Board

Fond du Lac School Board member Elizabeth Hayes says she considered not running for reelection, but eventually decided she wanted to continue to serve. Hayes has been on the board for 30 years. She says she’s very mindful of the burden on taxpayers and says that’s one reason she would not support using the district’s fund balance to pay for enhancements to Fruth Field. She says over the past four years in particular legislators have not had much trust in the local control of school boards. She says she’s found that school board members become pretty expert in what they are doing after a few years. She says they are also elected by local voters and wouldn’t be if voters didn’t trust them. Hayes says with cuts in public education funding and more money going to the voucher program school board’s can’t be the only ones advocating for more funding. She says parents also have to become involved.