Local News
Hintz Elected Assembly Minority Leader
State Representative Gordon Hintz of Oshkosh was elected Tuesday as Assembly Democratic minority leader. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt, a Republican from Fond Lac, says no matter what side of the aisle you are on a leadership position in the legislature is good for your area. He feels it is good for the greater Fond du Lac area because Hintz is from Oshkosh and represents a portion of the 18th State Senate District. Thiesfeldt says former Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca was representing a shrinking caucus and as far as Democrats were concerned his vote in favor of the Foxconn incentive bill was the last straw. Barca is from the Kenosha area, which will benefit from Foxconn. Thiesfeldt says as minority leader Barca was always respectful and classy.