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Hintz On Governor’s Investment In Education
State Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz says Governor Walker’s boast in the State of the State Address about a historic investment of an $11.5 billion in K-12 education comes on the heels of six lean years for public education. Hintz notes in last year’s budget, the last year before an election year, the Governor increased funding substantially in the K-12 budget. Hintz says, “However it is important to note that even with last year’s increase funding for Wisconsin K-12 schools is still below what it was 10 years ago when you consider inflation.” Hintz is pleased to see some of the cuts to public education restored. He says, “Yeah I’m happy to see that we are going to be restoring some of the cuts the Governor did and I’ve certainly been on the Budget Committee advocating for that, but let’s not forget what he did his first six years.” Hintz stresses that public education can’t be a year-to-year investment, that it has to be every year and not just an election year.