Local News
Holstein Futurity Coming Up At Dodge County Fair
The annual Dodge County Holstein Futurity will be held during the Dodge County Fair, on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, at 12:30 p.m., in the farm progress arena.
The futurity is a unique event for Holstein breeders in the Dodge-County area to introduce the dairy industry to the general public. Exhibitors enter animals as calves and show the same animals as two-year olds, after they’ve had their first calf. During the show, exhibitors parade their cows wearing formal attire.
Fair goers are invited and encouraged to attend and watch the show. “There are many things going on at the fair on Saturday, from the horse pull in the morning to The Swon Brothers on the grandstand at night; the futurity will blend right in with your Saturday schedule of fair events,” commented Dori Lichty, futurity planning committee member.
Numerous businesses in the Dodge-County area provide monetary donations to sponsor the futurity every year; Brian Greenman, Rural Mutual Insurance, and Cliff’s Inc., Friesland, are champion-level sponsors for 2015.
A detailed county-fair schedule can be found by visiting www.dodgecountyfairgrounds.com and clicking on Dodge County Fair.
In the photo: Janelle Remington leads Paulsoncrest Magnolia into the ring during the 2014 Dodge County Holstein Futurity. The 2015 futurity will be held on Saturday of the Dodge County Fair at 12:30 p.m.