Local News
House Ethics Committee Closes Investigation Into Petri Stock Dealings

The House Ethics Committee has closed its investigation into Congressman Tom Petri’s stock dealings. The federal lawmaker from Fond du Lac requested the investigation last February after a media report raised questions about his portfolio. Specifically a link was drawn between the Petri owned stock in companies that had business before Congress. The House Ethics Committee announced that “Representative [Tom] Petri repeatedly sought advice from the Committee staff on the official actions in question, and appears to have substantially complied with that advice. The Committee concluded that, on these facts… it would be inequitable to subject his conduct to an additional review at this later date. Therefore, the Committee will take no further action in this matter.” Petri said, “The Ethics Committee confirms what I have said all along—I regularly consulted with the Committee to ensure everything was done in accordance with House rules. I have always sought to represent my constituents in an honest and open way, and that is why I requested this review. I thank the Ethics Committee for acting before my term is up, and I’m glad they were able to specifically address and ultimately reject the misconceptions and inaccurate allegations that were published this year.” To see the full report click here.