Local News
Human Trafficking Awareness Day Proclaimed For FDL

A number of people involved in anti-human trafficking efforts in the Fond du Lac area showed up at the Fond du Lac City Council meeting this week to receive a proclamation. Council President Sam Meyer proclaimed Sunday, January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Fond du Lac. Nancy Irizarry, the Co-chair of the Wisconsin Anti-Human Trafficking Consortium accepted a copy of the proclamation. She says education and awareness are important in prevention efforts. She says she’s very proud of a community that takes it seriously and takes steps to prevent it here and that it won’t be tolerated in our town. It’s estimated that at least 27 million adults and children worldwide are currently in forced labor, bonded labor, or forced prostitution. Eighty percent of the victims are women and girls and 50 percent are younger than 18 years of age.