Local News
Hwy. 23 Construction Update Set For Wed. 4/14
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Northeast Region has announced a virtual public construction update meeting to discuss the WIS 23 project between US 151 and Seven Hills Road in Fond du Lac County. The same information to be presented at the meeting is available on the WIS 23 project construction website at https://projects.511wi.gov/wis23resurface/. No in-person public meeting will be held due to the current health emergency.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide information on the project schedule, construction staging and traffic impacts. There will be a live presentation via Microsoft Teams followed by a Q&A.
- When: 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 14, 2021
- Where: Microsoft TEAMS or conference call
- How: Access the meeting by one of the two following methods through website below or by telephone:
o For link to meeting, visit the project website and click on overview page at https://projects.511wi.gov/wis23resurface/
o Conference call (audio only): 608-571-2209, Conference ID: 156925961#.