Local News
Investigation Determines Inmate Death Claim Was Unfounded

After an investigation into the death of an inmate at the Waupun State Prison in the late 1960s Dodge County authorities have determined the report was unfounded. Sheriff’s officials got the complaint in June that speculated the inmate’s death was suspicious. The name of the inmate wasn’t given in the report. A search of records by the Sheriff’s office and Wisconsin State Information Center couldn’t determine the victim’s identity. The person who made the allegation described a cemetery where an inmate’s body was supposedly placed over the top of another body. Ground penetrating radar was used at the cemetery and two anomalies were discovered. Authorities last week did a limited excavation pulling back the topsoil over those anomalies. They found one was a horizontal box elder tree and the other was a layer of coal shale and coal slag. Sheriff’s officials say evidence doesn’t support the allegations and the case has been closed as unfounded.