Local News
Investment Workshop Offered

Jeff Kemp, financial educator from Oshkosh, will once again hold his 7-week investment workshop for Fond du Lac area residents. The FREE program will be held at a new venue – the North Fond du Lac Community Center, 280 Garfield Street in North Fond du Lac, on Monday afternoons from 2:30 – 4 p.m., March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11, and 18. This is the same program that was held at the Fond du Lac Senior Center and also MPTC over the past 15+ years. It is open to the public and participants do not have
to attend all 7 sessions. All ages – even middle school and high school students –
are welcome. If you will attend, please call 929-3765 asap to pre-register for planning purposes.
The topics Jeff will cover include:
Week 1: Investing in the stock market through mutual funds, part 1
Week 2: Investing in the stock market through mutual funds, part 2
Week 3: Bond Investing
Week 4: Understanding what economic forces move markets
Week 5: Building a sound asset allocation
Week 6: Taxes and investing; exchange traded funds
Week 7: How to build and manage your own portfolio
For more information, check out Jeff Kemp’s Adventures in Investing Facebook page or view his website at www.jeffkemplessons.com for videotaped lessons.