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Its almost construction season
Northeast Wisconsin highway construction taking place in 2024
Tentative schedule/construction details/traffic impacts for all 2024 state highway projects
(Green Bay) The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Northeast Region is providing a listing of state highway construction projects scheduled in the calendar year 2024.
The list includes all WisDOT Northeast Region projects on interstates, the United States highway system, and the Wisconsin state highway system. This is a tentative listing, and additional projects may be added based on funding levels. All construction dates are subject to change and weather dependent.
Construction details, traffic impacts, and project progress are available on the Northeast Region 511 family of project websites, the Northeast Region Twitter account, and the Northeast Region weekly construction update. The weekly update is distributed every Friday during construction season and includes current construction activities and traffic impacts over a two-week period throughout the life of construction.
This Northeast Region 2024 Highway Construction Advisory is online at:
· https://projects.511wi.gov/weeklyupdates-ne/2024-annual-construction-advisory/
A weekly highway construction update will be available online beginning in April:
· https://projects.511wi.gov/weeklyupdates-ne/
Large projects have project-specific 511 Wisconsin websites at:
· https://projects.511wi.gov/region/northeast/
Follow the WisDOT Northeast Region Twitter account for all transportation news at:
· https://twitter.com/WisDOTnortheast
2024 highway projects are listed by county below. The Northeast Region includes the counties of Brown, Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Outagamie, Sheboygan, and Winnebago.
I-41 Expansion Project
Road construction will begin in early 2024 and will impact multiple interchanges and overpasses between Appleton and De Pere. Please see the project website for the construction schedule, traffic impacts, detour maps, and project exhibits.
· I-41 Expansion Project: https://i41project.wisconsindot.gov/
WIS 172 Resurfacing and Box Culvert Replacement
Location: WIS 172 from WIS 54 in the village of Hobart to the Austin Straubel Airport entrance
Length of project work zone: 2.3 miles
Construction schedule: June 2024 to October 2024
Description of work: This project consists of milling and overlaying WIS 172 between WIS 54 and the airport, including the WIS 172 and County GE Roundabout, as well as removing the steel arch culvert pipe between WIS 54 and S Overland Road and constructing a new box culvert. The project will also include pavement markings, curb and gutter repair, shoulder rumble strips, and shoulder aggregate.
Traffic impacts:
- WIS 172 will be closed to traffic for approximately three months while the culvert structure near WIS 54 is removed and replaced.
- WIS 172 will also be closed to traffic at County GE for approximately one week while the roundabout is being milled/paved. The detour will be the same as the detour above. WIS 172 at the box culvert structure and the County GE roundabout will not be closed at the same time.
- During mainline resurfacing, the roadway will be open to traffic. Motorists can expect to encounter lane closures and flagging operations.
Detour: During the culvert structure replacement and County GE roundabout work, WIS 172 traffic will be detoured north along I-41 to WIS 54 to WIS 172, and vice versa.
WIS 54 Resurfacing
Location: WIS 54 between University Way and WIS 57 in the city of Green Bay, Brown County
Length of project work zone: 4.4 miles
Construction schedule: May 2024 to October 2024
Description of work: This project will resurface and repair WIS 54 (concrete repair and overlay and asphalt mill and overlay), resurface ramps for University Avenue/Nicolet Drive and resurface mainline University Avenue/Nicolet Drive (concrete repair and overlay), and concrete repair on Bay Settlement Road ramps. The project will also be replacing beamguard, replacing curb ramps at the southwest quadrant of Bay Settlement Road and Leon Bond Drive and the intersection of the eastbound off-ramp for Bay Settlement Road and Bay Settlement Road, replacing culvert endwalls, sand barrel arrays, pavement markings, shoulder rumble strips, and shoulder aggregate.
Traffic impacts: TheWIS 54 mainline will remain open using temporary lane and shoulder closures for most of the construction.
Ramp closures
- The ramps at I-43/University Avenue, I-43/Nicolet Drive, and I-43/Bay Settlement Road will be closed during off-peak hours during resurfacing/repairing operations.
- The ramps at Bay Settlement Road will be closed and detoured for several days for concrete repairs. A detour route will be posted.
- Consecutive ramps will not be closed at the same time.
Detour: The detour route uses Bay Settlement Road to Algoma Road to the WIS 54/57 interchange.
WIS 96 Resurfacing (Kaukauna- Wrightstown)
Location: WIS 96 from County D in the village of Wrightstown to Claribel Street in the city of Kaukauna
Length of project work zone: 4.89 miles
Construction schedule: Expected between May 2024 and November 2024
Description of work: This is a resurfacing-level improvement with storm sewer and pipe culvert repair/replacement, curb ramp improvements, widening the paved shoulder from 4′ to 5′ in various locations, adding rumble strips, and pavement marking.
Traffic impacts:WIS 96 will be open to traffic throughout most of the construction.
- Traffic control in the form of flagging operations will be used to close one lane of WIS 96 at a time as necessary.
- A short-term detour (Approx. three weeks) for the culvert pipe replacements in rural areas.
- A short-term detour (Approx. one week) for storm sewer repairs within the village of Wrightstown.
- Shoulder and sidewalk closures will be needed for curb ramp improvements and repair work.
Detour for culvert pipe replacement: Eastbound WIS 96 to northbound WIS 55 to northbound I-41 to County U back to WIS 96. Vice versa for westbound.
Detour for storm sewer repairs in Wrightstown: Detour will follow County DD and County U.
WIS 441 Maintenance Improvement – Carryover from 2023
Location: WIS 441 corridor and respective system interchange ramps between US 10/Oneida Street and the north junction of I-41 in the city of Appleton
Length of project work zone: 4.65 miles
Schedule: May 30, 2023 through April 12, 2024
Description of work: Carryover work in 2024 will consist of permanent pavement markings on WIS 441 between County CE and County OO. All other work completed in 2023. This maintenance project involves extending the life of the existing bridges and pavement along WIS 441 with work including concrete pavement repair and replacement, hot mix asphalt pavement, new sign structures, miscellaneous structure maintenance and rehabilitation, culvert pipe repair and replacement, storm sewer improvements, guardrail replacement, pavement marking, signing, and finishing items. In addition, there are areas of new concrete pavement auxiliary exit ramp lane and turn lane extensions within the project limits of WIS 441 and the respective system interchanges.
Traffic impacts: Lane closures will take place during pavement marking work.
WIS 42 Resurfacing
Location: WIS 42 from approximately 0.1 miles north of the mid-junction with WIS 57 in the town of Sevastopol to Rainbow Ridge Road in the town of Egg Harbor.
Length of project work zone: 12.1 miles
Expected construction schedule: The contract is 50 working days, which equates to approximately three months of work that is anticipated to occur from April through June of 2024, but some work could extend until after Labor Day weekend 2024.
Description of work: Milling and resurfacing of existing asphaltic lanes and shoulders, replacing various culvert pipes, adding right turn lanes at the Monument Point Road intersection and associated excavation, installing centerline and shoulder rumble strips, adding gravel to existing shoulders, and pavement marking.
Traffic impacts:WIS 42 will be constructed under single-lane closures via flagging operations for both local and through traffic. However, at the start of construction for this project, most of this project length (north of County I) will already be detoured under the village of Egg Harbor’s local project. That closure/detour will be extended further south to the mid-junction with WIS 57 as part of this project. The overall combined WIS 42 detour will then follow WIS 57, County V, County A, and County EE.
Detour: As noted above, in cooperation with the village of Egg Harbor’s project, the overall combined WIS 42 detour will then follow WIS 57, County V, County A, and County EE.
WIS 42 Resurfacing
Location: WIS 42 from Rainbow Ridge Road in the town of Egg Harbor to Bluff Lane in the town of Gibraltar.
Length of project work zone: 7.0 miles
Construction schedule: The contract time is 25 working days, which equates to approximately 1.5 months of work that is anticipated to occur in May and June of 2024, but some work could extend until after Labor Day weekend of 2024.
Description of work: Milling and resurfacing of existing asphaltic lanes and shoulders; installing centerline and shoulder rumble strips; upgrading guardrail and associated excavation; adding gravel to existing shoulders; and pavement marking.
Traffic impacts: WIS 42 will be constructed under single-lane closures via flagging operations for both local and through traffic.
- NOTE: WIS 42 south of County EE in the project work zone is closed for a village of Egg Harbor Local Program project.
- The construction for this project will utilize the local closure.
Detour: A WIS 42 detour is being provided by other projects. The detour will follow WIS 57, County V, County A, and County EE.
Location: WIS 57 from approximately the mid-junction with WIS 42 in the town of Sevastopol to approximately County E in the town of Baileys Harbor.
Length of project work zone: 17.0 miles
Schedule: A construction contract is a carry-over contract that will begin in September 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in December 2025. Each structure replacement location will have its own interim anticipated start and completion date:
- Lily Bay and Geisel Creek locations – September 2024 start and December 2024 completion
- Logan Creek location – April 2025 start and July 2025 completion
- Hibbard Creek location – September 2025 start to December 2025 completion.
Description of work: Work will include replacing the existing deteriorated drainage structures at four locations. The existing box culvert at Lily Bay Creek will be replaced with a new concrete box culvert, the existing box culvert at Geisel Creek will be replaced with a new box girder bridge, the existing culvert pipes at Logan Creek will be replaced with a new at-grade slab span bridge, and the existing culvert pipes at Hibbard Creek will be replaced with a new at-grade slab span bridge.
Traffic impacts: WIS 57 will be closed and detoured for the construction of these structures.
Detour: During the construction of both the Lily Bay and Geisel Creek structures, the WIS 57 detour will follow WIS 42 and County I. During the construction of the Logan Creek structure, the WIS 57 detour will follow County T and County V. During the construction of the Hibbard Creek structure, the WIS 57 detour will follow County V, County A, and County E.
US 45 Resurfacing
Location: US 45 from Scott Street in the village of North Fond du Lac to the North County Line in the town of Friendship.
Length of project work zone: 7.4 miles
Schedule: The project is estimated to be approximately three months in duration. The project may start as early as May but could be as late as the end of July.
Description of work: Work includes milling existing pavement and overlaying asphaltic pavement, replacing beamguard, and regrading around new beamguard to current standards. The project will also replace three cross culverts under US 45 in the project limits.
Traffic impacts: US 45 will have single-lane closures during construction.
No planned projects.
US 10/WIS 310 Resurfacing
Location: US 10/WIS 310 from County P (Branch) to Columbus Street in the city of Two Rivers
Length of project work zone: 8.73
Expected construction schedule: July 2024 to November 2024
Description of work: This is a resurfacing-level project using cold-in-place recycling to resurface the roadway, asphalt paving, and pavement marking.
Traffic impacts: US 10/WIS 310 will remain open for much of construction using lane closures and flagging operations with a pilot car during cold-in-place and paving operations.
- NOTE: The three roundabouts will be CLOSED AND DETOURED for approximately a week during paving and inlet rehabilitation at County R, County B, and County Q
Detour: During the short-term closures of roundabouts, US 10/WIS 310 will be detoured using I-43, US 10, and WIS 42.
US 10 Passing Lane Improvement
Location: US 10 between the villages of Reedsville and Whitelaw. The project is located in the municipalities of Maple Grove, Rockland, Franklin, and Cato in Manitowoc County.
Length of project work zone: 3.617 miles
Schedule: May 2024 to September 2024
Description of work: Work includes adding passing lanes to eastbound and westbound US 10. Work will also include grading, gravel, and asphalt paving for new lanes.
Traffic impacts: US 10 traffic will remain open, however, there will be some short-term closures for blasting rock and some flagging operations may be necessary at times.
US 41 Resurfacing
Location: US 41 from Flame Road in the town of Peshtigo to West Cleveland Avenue in the city of Marinette in Marinette County.
Length of project work zone: 2.7 miles
Schedule: May 2024 to September 2024
Description of work: Work includes asphalt resurfacing and concrete repair, guardrail replacement, culvert replacement, inlet adjustments, curb and gutter replacement, and pavement markings.
Traffic impacts: The roadway will be open to traffic and US 41 will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction. Temporary driveway closures will be necessary during parts of the construction process.
No planned projects.
WIS 15 West Segment Reconstruction/Expansion
Location/limits: WIS 15 from US 45 to County JJ in the towns of Hortonia and Ellington and the village of Hortonville
Length of project work zone: 3.0 miles
Construction schedule: April 2024 to November 2024
Description of work: This work is part of the WIS 15 4-lane expansion project scheduled for 2021-2024 in Outagamie County. This contract will build the west segment. Work involves grading, base, culvert pipe, storm sewer, asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, concrete curb and gutter, pavement marking, finishing, landscaping, large drainage structures, and incidental items.
Traffic impacts: WIS 15 will be closed and detoured for the duration of this project. The detour will utilize US 45 to County TT to County T to County JJ. All other side roads will close at WIS 15.
- See the WIS 15 Majors Project Website for specific traffic impacts. https://projects.511wi.gov/wis15expand/
Detour: US 45 to County TT to County T to County JJ
WIS 54 Resurfacing and Seymour Roundabout Construction
Location: WIS 54 from French Road to Seminary Road in the city of Seymour through the towns of Seymour, Osborn, and Oneida in Outagamie County.
Length of project work zone: 7.7 miles
Construction schedule: April 2024 to September 2024
Description of work: The project consists of milling and resurfacings of WIS 54 from French Road to Seminary Road with new hot-mix asphalt pavement, the construction of two, new roundabouts at WIS 54/County C and WIS 54/WIS 55, beamguard upgrades, widened pave shoulder from three to five feet, safety improvement by creating a dedicated left turn lane in Seymour, centerline and shoulder rumble strips will be installed in rural high-speed areas, and new pavement marking.
Traffic impacts: The intersections of WIS 54/WIS 55 and WIS 54/County C will be closed during roundabout construction.
- Access will be maintained to businesses and residents along the project corridor throughout construction.
WIS 54, outside of WIS 54/WIS 55 and WIS 54/County C intersections, will be open to traffic throughout most of the construction.
- Traffic control in the form of flagging operations will be used to close one lane of WIS 54, at a time, as necessary.
Detour: WIS 47, County G, and Mainline Drive
WIS 96 Patching and Resurfacing
Location: WIS 96 from approximately Cleary Court to Tower View Drive in the town of Greenville and the village of Greenville
Length of project work zone: 1.362 miles
Schedule: Work is anticipated to begin near the end of July 2024 and finish in mid-September 2024
Description of work: Concrete patching, asphalt patching, culvert work, signal work, and asphalt paving
Traffic impacts: WIS 96 will be open to traffic throughout the majority of construction. Short-term detours (approx. two weeks) of WIS 96 and WIS 76 are anticipated to complete pavement repair work. Flagging operations will be used to close one lane of WIS 96 at a time as necessary.
Detour: The below detours will be used during the two weeks WIS 96 and WIS 76 are closed and detoured.
- WIS 96 detour- Eastbound WIS 96 – North on County M, east on WIS 15, south on County CB. Vice versa for westbound.
- WIS 76 detour- Northbound WIS 76- East on US 10, north on County CB, then west on WIS 15. Vice versa for southbound.
WIS 54 / WIS 47 Resurfacing (two-year project)
Location: There are two project work zones:
- WIS 54 from House Road to Park Avenue in the town of Liberty and the village of Shiocton.
- WIS 47 from County B and North County Line in the village of Black Creek, and the towns of Black Creek and Cicero.
Length of project work zone: WIS 54 = 8.8 miles, WIS 47 = 8.3 miles
Expected construction schedule: September 2024 through September 2025
Description of work: The project consists of milling and resurfacings of WIS 54 from House Road to Park Avenue and WIS 47 from Burdick Street to North County line with new hot-mix asphalt pavement, repair storm sewer, culvert pipe replacement, beam guard upgrades, widened pave shoulder from three to five feet, install centerline and shoulder rumble strips in rural high-speed areas, and new pavement marking.
Traffic impacts 2024
- Wis 54 will be closed for culvert pipe replacements in 2024. Access will be maintained to businesses and residents along the project corridor throughout construction.
- Wis 47 will be closed for storm sewer replacements in 2024. Access will be maintained to businesses and residents along the project corridor throughout construction.
- WIS 54 and WIS 47 outside pipe replacements will use lane closures and flagging operations.
Detours in 2024
- The WIS 54 detour will utilize WIS 76, County S, and County M.
- The WIS 47 detour will utilize WIS 54, County PP, and County B.
WIS 15 Bypass Bridge Epoxy Overlay
Location: WIS 15 from CN Railroad to County JJ in the towns of Hortonia and Ellington and the village of Hortonville
Length of project work zone: 3.6 miles
Schedule: Two weeks of work in July to September 2024
Description of work: This work is part of the WIS 15 4-lane expansion project scheduled for 2021-2024 in Outagamie County. This contract will Epoxy overlay 8 bridges on the WIS 15 bypass.
Traffic impacts: One lane of WIS 15 will be closed at a time.
WIS 15 Salt Shed
Location: WIS 15 Givens Road in the town of Hortonia
Schedule: Anticipated July to September 2024
Description of work: This work is part of the WIS 15 4-lane expansion project scheduled for 2021-2024 in Outagamie County. This contract will build a salt shed for the newly expanded WIS 15.
Traffic impacts: None
WIS 76 and School Road Roundabout
Location/Limits: WIS 76 and School Road Intersection in the village of Greenville in Outagamie County
Length of project work zone: 0.372 miles
Schedule: April 2024 to August 2024
Description of work: This work includes the construction of a new intersection (roundabout) at the WIS 76 and School Road intersection. The work will also include concrete pavement, concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, hot-mix asphalt pavement, storm sewer, and pavement marking.
Traffic impacts: WIS 76 will be detoured during the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of WIS 76 and School Rd.
Detour: The detour will utilize WIS 96, County CB, WIS 15, and WIS 76.
WIS 76 Improvements – Carryover from 2023
Location: WIS 76 from WIS 54 in the Village of Shiocton to US 45 in the village of Bear Creek
Length of project work zone: 12.6 miles
Schedule: September 5, 2023, thru mid-August 2024. Work resumes in May 2024.
Description of work: Cold In-Place Recycle and resurfacing of WIS 76 from WIS 54 to US 45 in Outagamie County. Specific items of work also include a box culvert replacement, pipe culvert replacements, beamguard replacement, curb ramp replacement, pavement marking, and incidentals.
Traffic impacts:
- WIS 76 will be closed and detoured for Cold-In-Place Recycle and resurfacing in 2024.
- Minor work like curb ramps and frost heaves may be done under lane closures.
- Lane closures will not be allowed during holiday timeframes.
Detour: The WIS 76 detour will utilize WIS 54 and US 45.
I-41 Rehabilitation
Location: Breezewood Lane in Neenah to WIS 15 in Appleton
Length of project work zone: 9.65 miles
Expected construction schedule: April 1, 2024 to November 2024
Description of work: Work includes numerous pavement and structure maintenance-related items:
- Concrete pavement repair and diamond grinding of mainline I-41 and service interchange ramps
- Replacement of existing asphalt bridge approaches with concrete pavement
- Replacement of existing beam guard
- Repair of deteriorated sections of concrete barrier
- Replacement of deteriorated metal culvert pipes and median inlets
- Reapplication of polymer overlay on I-41 horizontal curve between County II and WIS 441
- Replacement of bridge deck for northbound I-41 over Green Bay Road structure
- Miscellaneous structure rehabilitation work at roughly 30 other structures
- Replacement of noise wall attached to eastbound US 10 over Cold Spring Road bridge
Traffic impacts: Impacts to I-41 mainline traffic include:
- I-41 northbound will be reduced from three lanes to two lanes in the vicinity of Green Bay Road for the majority of the project. Both directions of I-41 will have two lanes open for a significant portion of the project to facilitate the replacement of bridge approaches, other structure repairs, and reapplication of the high-friction surface treatment. Concrete pavement repairs will require single and multi-lane closures during night-time and off-peak hours throughout the project limits. Mainline I-41 traffic will be routed up and down interchange ramps during night-time hours to facilitate the replacement of some metal culverts.
Impacts on I-41 interchange ramps include:
- Northbound I-41 on-ramp from County II will be closed for the majority of the project. US 10 westbound to I-41 northbound system interchange ramp will be closed for roughly three weeks.
Several interchange ramps will be closed for roughly 2 weeks. These ramps include:
- I-41 southbound entrance ramp from WIS 114 (Winneconne Avenue)
- I-41 northbound exit ramp to WIS 114 (Winneconne Avenue)
- I-41 southbound exit ramp to Main Street in Neenah
- I-41 northbound exit ramp to WIS 125 (College Avenue) in Grand Chute
- I-41 southbound entrance ramp from WIS 125 (College Avenue) in Grand Chute
- All other interchange ramps may be closed during nighttime hours only for a maximum of three nights.
Impacts on local streets along the corridor include:
- Green Bay Road will be closed at I-41 for roughly 4-5 months. Jacobsen Road will be closed at I-41 for up to one week. One lane of Cold Spring Road will be closed under US 10 during daytime hours for roughly one month with flaggers directing traffic through this work area.
Weekend and holiday travel
- Construction will include work restrictions around holidays and special events, when possible. However, due to the extent and nature of the work, full-time lane closures along I-41 are anticipated to extend through holiday timeframes and special events.
Detours: Detours are anticipated for the closure of several I-41 interchange ramps:
- I-41 northbound entrance ramp from County II
- Detour route will follow County II to County CB to US 10 to I-41
- US 10 westbound to I-41 northbound system interchange ramp
- Detour route will follow US 10 to County CB to US 10 to I-41
- I-41 southbound entrance ramp from WIS 114 (Winneconne Avenue)
- Detour route will follow Winneconne Avenue to Tullar Road to Breezewood Lane to I-41
- I-41 northbound exit ramp to WIS 114 (Winneconne Avenue)
- Detour: I-41 to Breezewood Lane to Tullar Road to Winneconne Avenue
- I-41 southbound exit ramp to Main Street in Neenah
- Detour: I-41 to Breezewood Lane to I-41 to Main Street
- I-41 northbound exit ramp to WIS 125 (College Avenue) in Grand Chute
- Detour: I-41 to US 10 to County CB to College Avenue
- I-41 southbound entrance ramp from WIS 125 (College Avenue) in Grand Chute
- Detour: College Avenue to County CB to US 10 to I-41
WIS 42 Resurfacing
Location: WIS 42 from Pigeon River to the North Village Limits in the village of Howards Grove.
Length of project work zone: .852 miles
Construction Schedule: Construction is scheduled to begin July 8, 2024, and have a completion date of September 30, 2024
Description of work: The project will be a mill and overlay of WIS 42 through the village of Howards Grove, in additional curb ramp improvements will be made to meet American Disabilities Act standards.
Traffic impacts: The project will be under a flagging operation during the mill and overlay. During the curb ramp improvements, there will be alternative routes for pedestrians.
WIS 76 Resurfacing
Location: WIS 76 from just north of County II to just south of Shady Lane
Length of project work zone: 1.0 miles
Construction schedule: Seven to eight weeks (anticipated between late June 2024 and August 30, 2024)
Description of work: Work includes milling and resurfacing of WIS 76, replacing deteriorated guardrail, repairing deteriorated sections of the curb, and cleaning of culvert pipes.
Traffic impacts: WIS 76 will remain open to traffic during this project. There will be full-time single-lane closures within the four-lane section of the roadway. Flagging operations will be used to direct traffic near each project limit where WIS 76 transitions down to two lanes. Local, business, and emergency access will be maintained at all times. No work or hauling will be allowed during holidays.
I-41 Lake Butte des Morts Bridge
Location: Lake Butte Des Morts Bridge in Oshkosh, Wis.
Length of project work zone: On Bridge
Schedule: May 28, 2004 to October 2024
Description of work: Work includes removing and replacing structure approaches for northbound and southbound I-41 bridges over the main channel of Lake Butte des Morts. A roughly 100-foot section of cable barrier on the west side of I-41 near the US 45 interchange will be replaced and relocated. Work also will include replacing the existing safety and weight enforcement facilities (SWEF) along I-41 near the northern shore of Lake Butte des Morts.
Traffic impacts:
Impacts to I-41 mainline traffic include:
- Both directions of I-41 will be reduced from three lanes to two lanes across Lake Butte des Morts
Impacts on I-41 interchange ramps include:
- The I-41 southbound entrance ramp from US 45 will be closed for the majority of the project.
Detour: A detour route will follow US 45 to WIS 21 to I-41.
WIS 91 Bridge/Culvert Rehabilitation
Location: WIS 91 from WIS 116 to James Road in Winnebago County.
Length of project work zone: 0.06 miles
Schedule: 30 working days (sometime between July 2024 and October 2024)
Description of work: Work includes replacing the culvert along WIS 91 between James Road and Clairville Road with a twin cell box culvert. Work also includes rehabilitation of the WIS 91 bridge over Waukau Creek including surface repair and polymer overlay, and beam guard replacement. Improvements will be made at the at-grade railroad crossing for WIS 91 at the Clairville Road intersection.
Traffic impacts: WIS 91 will be closed to traffic and detoured during this project. Local, business, and emergency access will be maintained at all times.
Detour: The detour route will follow County M to WIS 44.
WIS 116 Resurfacing
Location: WIS 116 from the village of Winneconne east limits to US 45.
Length of project work zone: 1.92 miles
Schedule: 25 working days (sometime between July 2024 and October 2024)
Description of work: Work includes milling and resurfacing of WIS 116 and a full-depth repair of approximately 300’ along eastbound lanes of WIS 116 just east of Harbour South Drive.
Traffic impacts: WIS 116 will remain open to traffic during this project. There will be daytime single lane closures and flaggers will direct traffic around the work zone. No lane closures will be allowed before 8 a.m. to minimize impacts. Local, business, and emergency access will be maintained at all times.
Northeast Region-Wide Deck Sealing
Location: Various Interstate highways, US highways, state highways, and some local roads that pass over these highways in Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebago counties.
Length of project work zone: Spot locations
Schedule: 20 working days, which equates to about 1.5 months of work. This type of work typically requires work during the warmer summer months but may occur anytime during the 2024 construction season.
Description of work: This work involves the maintenance and sealing of concrete bridge decks on interstate highways, US highways, state highways, and some local roads that pass over these highways.
Traffic impacts: Roads will remain open. There will be short closures of two ramps. Crews will use lane closures, flagging, or lane shifts for brief periods during non-peak hours.
- Full closures will be used for short periods for the US 45/I-41 ramps and US 10/US 45 ramps in Winnebago County. Non-peak hours vary depending on the bridge location.