Local News
Jury Duty Scam

Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s officials are warning residents about a scam in which the caller says they are from the Sheriff’s office. Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says the caller will say you’ve missed jury duty or there is a warrant out for your arrest. He says they will even give you a number to call if you don’t believe they are with the sheriff’s department. He says they will tell you to purchase some cash cards and give them the number so they cash them in and pay your fine. He says a couple people were taken for a couple hundred dollars. The City of Fond du Lac took a couple of the reports. Olig says if there was a warrant out for your arrest a deputy would show up at your door. He says you would be told there is a warrant for your arrest and to stop down at the Sheriff’s office or the Clerk of Courts. He says you could also check on CCAP. He says some County residents have also been getting calls from someone claiming to be with the IRS and demanding payment.