Local News
Justice Bradley Runs For State Supreme Court

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley wants state voters to know she is the most qualified candidate in the Supreme Court race. Bradley says she is the first justice in the history of State Supreme Court that has experience as a trials court judge and appeals court judge. As for the recent controversy over an anti-gay opinion piece she wrote nearly 25 years ago while an undergraduate at Marquette University, she says she’s apologized for that and her views are different now than they were then. She says her opponent and her supporters are talking about everything that isn’t related to the race. Bradley says always following the law is her judicial philosophy. Justice Bradley is proud of the endorsements she’s received, which has included many law enforcement endorsements. Her latest, on Tuesday, came from the National Rifle Association. Bradley faces Appeals Court Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg in next Tuesday’s election for a 10 year term on the State Supreme Court.