Local News
KC Tootsie Roll Drive This Weekend In FDL

This year the Fond du Lac Knights of Columbus are armed with about 24,000 Tootsie Rolls for their annual Tootsie Roll Drive. The charitable effort is this weekend. Jim Rieder is the general manager of the local KC Hall. He says the community has been very good about donating to the effort. He says last year they collected over $13,000. He says they will be at a number of locations hoping for a free will offering as they hand out Tootsie Rolls. He says KC members will be wearing a blue hat and yellow vests. He says the Knights in turn use those donations to support other organizations that provide help to those who are developmentally disable. This is the 43rd year for the Fond du Lac Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive, which over the years has raised nearly half a million dollars.