Local News
KFIZ News Friday 6/17/16
Sex Offender Moves To Waupun
Waupun Police say a 43-year-old sex offender is now living at 327 South Division Street. Police this week hand-delivered notifications in a several block area about Timothy Falksen. He was convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse in Lake County, Illinois in 2013. The victim was a girl Falksen knew who he sexually assaulted from the age of 7 to 12. He is required to register with the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry as long as he lives in the state.
Randolph Man Arraigned On Child Porn Possession Charges
The 48-year-old Randolph man suspected of having child pornography on his computer was arraigned in Dodge County Court this week. Not guilty pleas were entered after Sean Robillard stood mute on the ten felony counts of Possessing Child Pornography he is charged with. He was stopped last month in Eau Claire, the same day officers executed a search warrant at his home. Robillard works as a technical engineer for the state’s online court records system.
Congressman Grothman On Orlando Shooting
Congressman Glenn Grothman says unfortunately the night club shooting in Orlando is another example of someone being radicalized and killing westerners. He says recent mass shootings seem to have ties to radical Islam. He says that includes the California shooting, the Ft. Hood shooting, and the Boston Marathon bombing were all done by powers of radical Islam. Forty-nine people were killed and more than 50 others wounded at the night club shooting. Grothman says people can be radicalized just by searching the internet and contacting the wrong people. He says experts can’t seem to agree on who the shooter who was affiliated with although he claimed to be affiliated with two radical groups including Isis.
Petition Opposing Alliance Laundry Expansion Does Not Go Far
A petition from 8 residents of Ripon requesting the City to stop Alliance Laundry Systems expansion efforts didn’t get too far with the Common Council this week. City Administrator Lori Rich says there was a misunderstanding about the project. She says those residents thought Alliance had requested a rezoning, which they had not. She says the Council was going to discuss citizen concerns about the project later in the meeting, but moved that up. Rich says that helped residents better understand what was going on. She says there were concerns about a retention pond that would be required for a parking lot adjacent to a historic district. She says the City’s zoning ordinance is silent about retention ponds in any zoning district.
North Fondy Fest Parade Route Announced
North Fondy Fest is Saturday with the parade at noon. It will run approximately 45 minutes. North Fond du Lac Police say the entire route will be closed to traffic during the parade. The parade will line up in the Friendship Learning Center parking lot. It will proceed north on Thurke Avenue to North Street. The parade will continue east on North Street to Minnesota Avenue. It will proceed south on Minnesota Avenue to McKinley Street. The parade will continue west on McKinley Street to Adams Avenue. It will proceed north on Adams Avenue to Polk Street. The parade will continue west on Polk Street to Thurke Avenue and will end at Friendship Learning Center.
Country Breakfast In Ripon This Sunday
The Ripon FFA Alumni will host their 29th Annual Country Breakfast this Sunday at the Chris and Ruth Retzlaff Farm on Retzlaff Drive. Kathy Roeder of the alumni group says the Retzlaff’s run a cash crop farm. She says events like the breakfast allow them to fund things like college scholarships and trips for students in the FFA. She says in April they awarded $10,000 in scholarships to ten students. Hours for the breakfast are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Carry outs are available. You can save a dollar on the cost of the breakfast by purchasing your ticket in advance. Tickets are available at Ripon area businesses. Those locations include the Green Lake Chamber of Commerce, BMO Harris in Ripon, Hounsel’s East Side Country Market, Ripon Drug, Schmitt Lumber, Farmer’s State Bank in Markesan, The Diedrich Agency in Ripon, Bobo Implement in Berlin, Markesan State Bank, and from FFA Alumni members.