Local News
KFIZ News Monday 6/20/16
Local Government Recycling Grants Announced
Thirty-two Fond du Lac County municipalities are receiving recycling grants from the state. The City of Fond du Lac is receiving over $149,000, the Village of North Fond du Lac more than $15,500, and the City of Ripon over $25,000. Over 1,000 local governments in the state will be receiving nearly $18 million in recycling grants.
Highway 23 East Projects
Fond du Lac County’s Highway Safety Coordinator says drivers will be dealing with improvements to two sections of Highway 23 on the east side of the Fond du Lac over the next four to five months. Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says improvements are already being made to an interchange so there aren’t problems with trucks hauling wind towers. He says truckers have problems trying to make turns at the Highway 23 and Highway 151 interchange. He hopes the project will fix that problem. Also coming up in September the DOT will be putting in slotted left turns lanes at Highway 23 and County Highway K. He says drivers won’t be able to cross there. He says people on K will be able to make a right turn, but the median at Highway 23 will be closed while they put in the left turn lanes. He says it’s hoped County Highway T over Highway 151 will reopen sometime during the project.
Grothman Votes Against Congressional Pay Raise
Congressman Glenn Grothman says he’s pleased he got to vote against congressional pay raises. He says we really aren’t over the recession yet and some congressmen have lost touch with those who are having a tough time making a living. He says those congressmen are isolated from what average people have to deal with because their salaries are generous. He says that he’s glad that he could vote against a congressional pay raise. He says it is the sixth straight year Congress hasn’t gotten a bump in pay. He says Congress hasn’t gotten a pay raise while the Republicans have been in the majority. He says it’s the second time he’s been part of making sure they didn’t get a pay raise.
FDL School District Making The Most Of The School Library During Summertime
Some students in the Fond du Lac School District did take something home this summer, but it wasn’t homework. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says they allowed students to take a book home. He says they allowed students to take home books from school libraries for the summer. He says it is something they’ve been increasing over the years. He says it is nice for kids who don’t have access to books at home. He says they have days when the kids can come back to the school libraries to return a book and take out a new one. He says they have other activities for students on the days they are allowed to return school library books. He says it’s a way to keep books in kids hands and keep them reading.
Registration For Fall Classes At MPTC Starts Tuesday
It may be the first day of summer, but registration for fall classes at Moraine Park Technical College begins tomorrow. Moraine Park President Bonnie Baerwald says more in demand courses fill up quickly. She says it’s better to sign up sooner than later. She says you can register face-to-face or online. Baerwald says you can register weekdays at their campuses in Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac and West Bend except Fridays because their campuses are closed on Fridays in June and July.
Agnesian Recognized For Its Healthy Employee Programs
For the fifth consecutive year, Agnesian HealthCare has been recognized for its efforts to promote physical activity and health in the workplace by the American Heart Association as a “Start! Fit-Friendly Companies.” Regionally, the association recognized 287 companies in 2016. More than 595,000 employees participated in the programs. Agnesian HealthCare vice president of Human Resources Sue Edminister says, “We are honored to be recognized by the American Heart Association for out efforts to help our associates live healthier lives.”