Local News
KFIZ News Monday 7/11/16
FDL Man Accused Of Beating Couple Bound Over For Trial
The 39-year-old Fond du Lac man facing charges for allegedly beating a couple with a bottle has been bound over for trial. Steven Bird waived his preliminary hearing in Fond du Lac County Court Friday. According to police the victims, a man and a woman, were beaten about the head and the male victim suffered a broken jaw. The incident happened near Marr and 6th Streets on June 19th. Bird is charged with two counts each of 1st degree recklessly endangering safety and aggravated battery, all felony charges. The incident was caught on home surveillance video.
I 41 Lane Closure Tonight
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us there will be a lane closure on I-41 for maintenance work overnight. The inside lane of I-41 northbound and southbound between State Highway 23 and Fond du Lac County Highway OO will be closed from 7 p.m. tonight to 6 a.m. tomorrow morning. That will allow for barrier wall placement. The work is weather dependent.
FDL School Board Meeting Cancelled
Due to a lack of a quorum the Fond du Lac School Board will not be meeting tonight. The meeting has been cancelled. The board usually meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month. They normally hold one meeting in July due to summer vacations.
Enrollment Up In The NFDL School District
North Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Aaron Sadoff says enrollment is up in the district. He says they were up 67 students this year with 16 more people coming in than going out through open enrollment. He says their enrollment has been trending up each of the last years. He says in that time their enrollment has increased by 97 students. He says no matter if students are on the road to being a scholar or need remedial lessons they have the staff and programs to educate students in the district. Sadoff says he’s anticipating another great year in the North Fond du Lac School District.
Flu Shots Will Be Available Starting In September
The public health officer for Fond du Lac County says you can get vaccinated against the flu as soon as shots become available. Kim Mueller says they start their school-based clinics in October. During those clinics they vaccinate about 5,500 students. She says the health department begins receiving the vaccine in September. She says anyone can get a flu shot as soon as the vaccine is available. She says the vaccine usually contains protection against several strains of the flu. Recently the CDC said the Flu Mist or nasal spray variety of flu vaccine is ineffective, so the health department, Agnesian HealthCare and Aurora Health Care won’t be offering that as an option to flu shots.
Save A Sole Challenge Helps Kids Purchase New Shoes For School
Some local chiropractic offices in Fond du Lac are participating in the Fond du Lac Salvation Army’s Save a Sole challenge that runs through the end of the month. Salvation Army Director of Social Services Ron Jacobson says the goal is to raise money that can be used for the Back to School program. He says gift cards will help children purchase new shoes for school. He says participating chiropractic offices hope to raise more than $4,000, which is the amount raised during the challenge last year. He says some of the chiropractic offices are offering incentives to get you to donate to the Save a Sole program. He says for instance Corbett Chiropractic Care will give a free foot exam, which is worth $40. In addition to Corbett Chiropractic Care participating chiropractors include: Bauer Chiropractic, Dynamic Chiropractic, Preferred Chiropractic, and Wink Chiropractic & Wellness.
Consumer Protection Official Recommends Talking With Your Kids About The Internet
There are steps you can take to protect your kids while they are on the internet. Frank Frassetto is an administrator with the state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. He says first you should have a talk with them. He says kids aren’t always thinking of how people might take advantage of them. He says make sure they aren’t sharing too much information with others. Frassetto says tell them they should be polite with those they are interacting with on the internet. He says they should display the same manners they would in a face-to-face encounter. He also recommends disabling their purchasing capabilities especially for gaming.