Local News
KFIZ News Wednesday 6/1/16
Name Released In Dodge County Motorcycle Versus Deer Accident
Dodge County Sheriff’s officials have released the name of the 31-year-old Milwaukee man who was seriously hurt when his motorcycle hit a deer in the Town of Theresa early Monday morning. Flight for Life flew Joseph Negron to Summit Hospital. He wasn’t wearing a helmet when he struck the deer on I-41 near State Highway 28. Negron did not have a valid motorcycle endorsement.
Oshkosh Sex Offender Released
Oshkosh Police say a 48-year-old sex offender is now living at 211 High Avenue Apartment A. Alan Stieg is on GPS monitoring. He will be on extended supervision until February of 2020. In 1995 he was convicted of 2nd degree sexual assault of a child and in 2010 of 3rd degree sexual assault. His victims were juvenile girls.
Opioid Forum In Ripon Thursday
Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney is encouraging the public to attend an Opioid Forum in Ripon Thursday. Toney says they did a forum in Ripon and several events in Fond du Lac, but wanted to make sure they got back to Ripon. He says if people aren’t familiar with the four pillar approach to opioid and heroin problems the 5:30 p.m. forum at the Ripon High School is a good way to get introduced to it. The four pillar approach includes; Prevention and Education, Harm Reduction, Law Enforcement, and Treatment. Toney says volunteering a little of your time can help in tackling drug and alcohol problems in the community. He says it could be something as easy as passing out wristbands on at the County Fair to help reduce underage drinking. Toney, the Ripon Police Department, and Drug Free Communities of Fond du Lac County are sponsoring the forum.
Candidate Deadline Today
Candidates for public office this fall have through 5 p.m. today to file the needed paperwork. At the County level Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney and County Clerk Lisa Freiberg have filed their papers and both will be unopposed. The Register of Deeds Office could have a race between incumbent Shawn Kelly and Deputy Register of Deeds Jim Krebs. Town of Taycheedah Clerk Brenda Schneider has filed papers for County Treasurer and could be opposed by Joan Rosenthal whose husband Jim Rosenthal serves on the Taycheedah Town Board.
In state office races Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac and Mark Elliot of Oshkosh are both running as Republicans for the 18th State Senate seat. They have filed their papers as has Democratic candidate Mark Harris. In the 52nd State Assembly race incumbent Jeremy Thiesfeldt could face a challenge by Paul Czisny who challenged him twice before. State Representatives Michael Schraa and Gordon Hintz are also seeking reelection, but at this point opponents haven’t filed their paperwork. In the U.S. Senate Race incumbent Senator Ron Johnson will face former Senator Russ Feingold. In the 6th Congressional District Glenn Grothman needs to submit his papers as do two Democrats seeking the office.
Sheboygan County Judge Vacancies Filled
Governor Scott Walker recently filled two Sheboygan County judge vacancies. Kent Hoffman will replace Timothy Van Akkeren who will be stepping down in January. Hoffman is an assistant prosecutor in Marinette County, and a former public defender in Milwaukee. Daniel Borowski of Kohler will replace James Bolgert when he retires on August 1st. Borowski is currently working for a Milwaukee law firm.
Survey Support Encouraging
Waupun Schools Superintendent Tonya Gubin says she was encouraged to see people who took their facilities survey showed support for a manufacturing and agricultural wing at the Junior-Senior High School. She says currently they have rooms for welding and woods, and two rooms for agriculture but they are little class rooms. She says agriculture and manufacturing are hands on classes and it’s hard for teacher’s to supervise because classes have to be moved into a smaller area. She says the addition would allow them to have a manufacturing center and to increase the size of their greenhouse. She says increasing the size of the greenhouse would be good because the school board would like to offer a food science program which would also benefit area employers in those fields. She says both Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties are agriculture and food science hubs in the state.
Ripon City Administrator Delegated More Authority
The Ripon Common Council recently delegated a new duty to the City Administrator. Lori Rich says the Council decided she could approve street closures for community events where no alcohol is being consumed. She says that will save the Council some time and give event organizers a chance to get the approval they need in case time is running short. She says there are quite a few events that don’t need to go before the City Council because alcohol won’t be served during the event. She says that includes things Dickens of a Christmas, Septemberfest, and bike races.
School Resource Deputy Says Buckle Up And Do Not Drive Drunk
With school getting out soon a Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s school resource deputy has some words of advice for those young drivers and their parents. Dean Schelinske says college and high school graduations are going on so there is a potential for more drunken driving involving both kids and adults. He says to remember there is a social hosting ordinance in the County and a number of its municipalities so don’t get caught hosting an underage drinking party. A recent underage drinking party led to more than 40 citations. He says the Click or Ticket enforcement campaign runs through this Sunday so if you are not buckled up while driving around you could get cited for it. Schelinske is the School Resource Deputy for the Campbellsport School District.
Deadline Coming Up For UW FDL Distinguished Alumni Nominations
Time is running out to nominate someone for the UW-Fond du Lac Distinguished Alumni Award. The award honors and recognizes UW-Fond du Lac alumni who have attained notable achievement in their career field, demonstrated philanthropic or public service activity in support of the community or provided inspiration to others. Special Events Coordinator Kathy Strong Langolf says nominations must be submitted by next Tuesday. A nomination form is available online at the UW-Fond du Lac web site. Nominees must have attended UW-Fond du Lac at any time since the campus opened in 1968 for at least two semesters. The award will be presented at the annual donor and scholarship recognition reception on Sept. 28. The recipient of the award will also be honored with a personalized brick in the Foundation Celebration Walk and will have their name engraved on a perpetual plaque displayed in the University Center Commons.