Local News
KFIZ News Wednesday 6/15/16
Permit Approved For Town Of Ashford Sand Mining Operation
The Town of Ashford Board of Appeals by a 4 to 1 vote approved a permit for a sand mine operation. It will allow Batzler Trucking of Campbellsport to begin mining on a 12 acre piece of land in the township. The board had previously granted a permit for the mine last August, but a citizens’ group was formed called STOMP, or Stop The Ongoing Mine Permit, which filed a lawsuit. In April Fond du Lac County Judge Peter Grimm voided the special use permit for the mine because at the time it violated a town ordinance. STOMP members are concerned about the sand that would be stirred up near their homes, their water, the affect on property values, and truck traffic from the mine. They are expected to continue legal action against the mine.
FDL Man Pleads To Lesser Charge In Heroin Overdose Death
A 27-year-old Fond du Lac man has pled to a reduced charge in the heroin overdose death of a West Bend man. Jacob Tuzzolino pled guilty to a 2nd degree reckless homicide charge in Washington County Court this week. According to the criminal complaint he went to Milwaukee last October with 54-year-old Michael Sarwas to help him buy a truck and heroin. Sarwas was found dead the next day of a heroin overdose. Tuzzolino will be sentenced on September 6th. As part of a plea agreement prosecutors will not ask for more than five years in prison.
Candlelight Vigil In FDL Tonight To Remember Victims Of Orlando Night Club Shooting
A candlelight vigil will be held in Fond du Lac tonight to remember the victims of the night club shooting in Orlando. It will be held at Veterans Park at the corner of Main and Western. Sister Sally Ann Brickner is with the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Agnes. She says they wanted to do something to remember the victims and help people deal with their grief. Candles will be provided, but she says if you want a seat you should bring a lawn chair with you. Umbrellas are also suggested in case of rain. She says they also hope to talk about ending such violence. She says a couple of statements will be read. She says the LGBTQ community and Islamic Society will have statements prepared. The names of the victims will also be read. A free will offering may be taken up for the victims’ families. The vigil is at 8 p.m.
JFC Approves Allocation For Voter ID Awareness Campaign
On Monday the Joint Finance Committee unanimously approved a request from the Government Accountability Board (GAB) to allocate $250,000 previously promised in original legislation for a voter ID awareness campaign. Litigation held the application of the new law up so that money was not spent. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt along with 33 other legislators delivered a letter to Joint Finance Committee requesting they hold a hearing to approve the expenditure. He says the JFC approval is a one-time allocation. He says people will be voting this fall that don’t generally vote and they need to know the right procedures at the polls. Thiesfeldt says it the GAB did a lot of the groundwork for the public information campaign about Voter ID already, but it would be wise to get it started before the airways are filled with campaign ads. The primary election is August 9th and the general election November 8th.
FDL High School Hosting Educators Conference
Over 1,000 educators will be gathering in Fond du Lac this week for a three-day conference. First 2016: The Institute for Better Learning will be held at the Fond du Lac High School today through Friday. Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Jim Sebert says some staff went to the first program in Winneconne last year and they worked for nearly a year to get the conference held in Fond du Lac. Participants will be coming from almost 70 school districts throughout the Midwest. He says it is a great opportunity for the school district to host it and a great opportunity to show off Fond du Lac High School and the Fond du Lac community. The institute has 18 International experts in the field of education coming to help teachers and administrators in their own professional learning.
Black Bear Tranquilized In Sheboygan
Fond du Lac isn’t the only city in the area with wandering black bears. Sheboygan police and Sheboygan County Sheriff’s deputies dealt with a roving bruin on the north side of Sheboygan Tuesday morning. The bear was tranquilized and the DNR took possession of it to be release into the wild. A young black bear was spotted in Fond du Lac last week.
FDL School District Getting State Aid
The Fond du Lac School District is among 163 education agencies in the state that will share in $5.7 million in special education aid payments on June 20th. According to the state’s Department of Public Instruction the Fond du Lac School District will receive $88,354. The Ripon Area School District will be getting $2,272. All together the aid will reimburse 162 school districts and one county agency for the costs of serving 951 students with disability-related needs.
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