Local News
KFIZ News Wednesday 7/6/16
Two More Charged In Dodge County Heroin Overdose Death
Dodge County prosecutors have charged two more men in the heroin overdose death of a 41-year-old woman over Memorial Day weekend. Forty-nine-year-old Terence Jannke and 33-year-old Jason Twaite, both of Watertown were picked up during a traffic stop in a trailer court last Friday. Jannke is facing 1st degree reckless homicide, maintaining a drug place, and heroin trafficking charges. Twaite is charged with maintaining a drug place and possession of drug paraphernalia. Heroin that led to the overdose of Holly Nehls has been traced back to them. Last week 29-year-old Gabriel Brandl was charged with 1st degree reckless homicide. He allegedly helped her shoot up at Clyman Park and drove her around for hours after she was dead before taking her to a hospital in Watertown.
Fireworks May Have Started Dumpster Fire at Roberts Elementary
Fond du Lac Firefighters put out a dumpster fire at Roberts Elementary School early Tuesday morning. The fire may have been fireworks-related. Vinyl siding on a shed near the dumpster melted from the heat. Between about 4 p.m. Monday and 12:30 Tuesday morning Police took 33 fireworks complaints.
Police Shooting Investigation
The state Justice Department’s Division of Criminal Investigation is looking into an officer-involved fatal shooting in Washington County. A Village of Jackson police officer responding to an incident Friday night had to use deadly force. A 57-year-old man was fatally shot at a home on Stonewall Drive. It happened shortly after 6:45 p.m.
Check Garage Sale Items For Safety Issues
An administrator with the state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection reminds residents holding garage sales to check their items carefully before putting them up for sale. Frank Frassetto says for instance if you sell something that has been recalled it could be dangerous. He says you can go to the Consumer Products Safety Commission website to look at lists of recalled items. He says it is also against the law to sell a recalled item. He says infant safety items are constantly improved and shouldn’t be sold if it could cause harm. He says for instance cribs and infant car safety seats have seen a lot of improvements. He also recommends checking electrical products for possible defects. He says that can be as simple as looking for frayed electrical cords or battery compartments that may be corroded. Frassetto says if they are defective, it is better to throw them away.
MPTC Sees Slight Increase In Enrollment
Moraine Park Technical College President Bonnie Baerwald says they were pleased to learn that their latest enrollment figures showed a slight increase. She says that reverses a six-year trend of declining enrollment figures. She says their staff has worked very hard this year on a number of initiatives to turn those numbers around. She says declining enrollment has been a nationwide trend in higher education. She says Moraine Park is one of only two technical colleges in the state to see an increase in enrollment.
Dual Teaching Licenses Benefits Waupun High Schools Career Tech Ed Program
Waupun Schools Superintendent Tonya Gubin says they are fortunate to have some high school teachers with dual licenses, which is handy for their agriculture, technical education, and business curriculum efforts. She says other high schools are as fortunate when it comes to career technical education efforts. She says that gives them freedom to move classes around. She says for example one teach is dual licensed for business and agriculture, and another for agriculture and technical education.
Waupun Partners With Lakeshore Technical On Ag Classes
A partnership with Lakeshore Technical College is allowing students at Waupun High School to earn credits towards a technical education diploma. Waupun Schools Superintendent Tonya Gubin says they are working with Lakeshore Technical Education on some articulated classes for agriculture. She says that ends up saving parents and students money in the long run. Moraine Park Technical College also has a partnership with Lakeshore Technical College, which allows students to take agricultural courses at either school.