Local News
KFIZ offering Free 24/7 Christmas Music Stream

FOND DU LAC, WI (November 21st, 2014) – Mountain Dog Media is providing the listeners of their two Fond du Lac stations, K107.1 FM and News-Talk 1450 KFIZ-AM, with a 24-hour 7-day a week Christmas Music Channel. The streaming internet channel will be available to enjoy at no cost on both kfiz.com and K107.com.
“We are excited to offer our loyal listeners an opportunity to get into the holiday spirit by offering a free of charge Christmas music service while continuing to them the quality traditional over the air programs they have come to depend on,” explains Wade Bates, KFIZ Program Director.
“K107.1 continues to grow in listenership, in large part to being driven by the listeners and their requests. To be able to keep that format and also offer a holiday channel on our award winning website is really thrilling,” adds Bart Winkler, Program Director for K107.1.
The stream will be highlighted on both of the radio stations websites in large part thanks to two community partners, AirTech Heating and LaClare Farms.