Local News
Ledger Feels He’s Ready To Lead Sheriff’s Department

Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s candidate Bill Ledger says the sheriff’s responsibility is making sure County residents are safe. The Fond du Lac Police Detective says one of his focuses is on the heroin and opiate drug problem and the crime that arises out of it. He says as a drug investigator he’s developed a network of contacts that would help. He says it is a big County and some times you have to ask for help from local police departments when another deputy is not available for backup. He says a scuffle a Sheriff’s deputy got into with two men while investigating a noise complaint in the Town of Auburn July 5th is an example of what can happen. Ledger believes he can be a good leader and would have an open door policy. He says leaders lead people and you have to be open to people’s opinions and treat them well. Ledger says he hasn’t had a leadership role yet, but Sheriff Mick Fink had 18 years with the department before he was promoted to Chief Deputy. Ledger is in his 20th year in law enforcement.