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Leibham On Obamacare, Common Core, Illegal Immigration
State Senator Joe Leibham says he believes the reforms that are working for Wisconsin could work for the country as well. Leibham is one of four Republican candidates vying for the 6th Congressional seat Congressman Tom Petri is retiring from. One thing he says he would like to see is the repeal of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. Leibham also supports Governor Walker’s call to repeal the Common Core educational standards. Leibham says he’s had concerns about Common Core since it came to the legislature a couple years ago. He believes decisions regarding education in the state should be left up to Wisconsin and local school districts. He also is concerned about illegal immigration. He says we have to secure our borders, develop an immigration system that works and enforce the immigration laws we do have. The winner of the Republican primary on August 12th will face Democrat Mark Harris in the November 4th election.