Local News
Letters To Santa Program Underway

When it comes to Christmas wishes, kids know it’s smart to put them in writing. Kids who drop off their letters to Santa at the Children’s Room at the downtown Fond du Lac Public Library by 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 6, will get a personalized reply by Santa mailed to their homes before Christmas. Kids can write their own letters or fill out the “Dear Santa” forms on hand at the Children’s Desk. No postage is required, but each letter must include the kid’s full name and address so that Santa’s reply arrives at the right place. Just drop letters in the bright red mailbox in the Children’s Room. Letters to Santa is a free program of the Fond du Lac School District Recreation Department. Letters to Santa mailboxes also are available at the Aquatic Center, 100 W. 9th St., and at the Recreation Department office, 85 Morningside Drive.