Local News
Local Family Friendly Events Celebrate Spring/Easter This Weekend
A number of different easter and baby animal events will be taking place this weekend in the Fond du Lac area.
Kelly’s Country Creamery is holding an event where participants get to hold and interact with baby animals on the farm. Baby lambs, piglets and ducks are some of the animals that will be on hand looking for cuddles. The cost for the event is $10 per person and children 2 and under are free. The event runs each weekend through April from 9 AM to 4 PM.
The Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac is holding its annual Easter event Saturday. Online or in person registration for the Easter EGG-stravaganza is now open.
Families are invited to register for Two egg hunts beginning at 9:00 am and noon or a modified, sensory friendly offering at 2:30 for children with autism and special needs.
The Easter Bunny will be on hand for photos.
In addition, children will learn and explore a variety of Easter activities and engage with their caregivers in the excitement of welcoming spring.
Cost for the event is $5 for Children’s Museum members and $10 per non-member. Registration is recommended, however walk-in traffic will be welcomed if capacity allows.
For more information or to sign up, visit cmfdl.org or call the Museum at 920-929-0707.
and LaClare’s Family Creamery is opening their garden center Saturday from 9-5 with hundreds of hanging baskets and plants that can be purchased. from 10-2,
baby goats will be let loose to interact with guests as well as lambs, chicks, and bunnies will be available to pet and meet as well!
The event is free to attend.