Local News
Local News Briefs Friday 4/1/16
FDL Woman Facing Charges In Sheboygan Overdose
A 30-year-old Fond du Lac woman is facing drug dealing charges after an overdose incident in Sheboygan. According to the criminal complaint last week a man was found suffering a drug overdose. He was lying in the snow on a Sheboygan street. Narcan helped revive him. He told police he had bought Methadone from a woman he’d met in Sheboygan. Police were allowed to search his phone and they found a series of messages between the victim and Kristina Stevens. Fond du Lac Police picked her up on an unrelated warrant a day later and she was questioned by Sheboygan Police. She denied allegations against her. She’s being held on a $5,000 cash bond and will be back in Sheboygan County Court for a preliminary hearing on April 6th.
State Supreme Court Sides With Beaver Dam Woman Over Hot Air Balloon Accident
The state’s Supreme Court is siding with a Beaver Dam woman injured by a runaway hot air balloon in the summer of 2011. The court agreed with Patti Roberts that the company providing rides at a charity event did not have blanket immunity under state law. The high court this week returned the case to circuit court for further proceedings. Roberts was injured while standing in line to go up in the balloon tethered to two trees and a large truck at a Beaver Dam fundraiser. One of the lines snapped in strong winds and the balloon went toward the people in line. The basket hit Roberts, knocking her down. She sued and lost in circuit court. An appeals court upheld the decision.
Area Lawmakers Bills Signed Into Law
Governor Scott Walker recently signed bills into law authored by three state lawmakers from the area. Senator Rick Gudex of Fond du Lac had three bills signed into law including one that prohibits the use of drones around state prisons. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt of Fond du Lac had two bills signed into law that allow pharmacists to administer injections of non-vaccine medications at all times and the other has to do with prescription refills. Senator Devin LeMahieu of Oostburg had four bills signed into law including one that creates a Milwaukee Bucks license plate.
Election Deadlines Looming
As the April 5th Presidential Preference Primary nears some deadlines are passing. The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail was yesterday, and today at 5 p.m. is the deadline to vote absentee in person. Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg says to make sure you get your absentee ballot in the mail by Tuesday so it can be postmarked in time. She says changes in state law will affect that deadline. She also says to check the My Vote website to make sure your polling location hasn’t changed if you are voting on Tuesday. She says because it’s the Presidential Preference Primary you can only vote one primary and the ballot itself is different. She says it’s a two-sided ballot, which they haven’t had for the April election during her eight years as Clerk.
New Jersey Senator Traveling Badger State In Support Of Clinton
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is a Hillary Clinton backer currently focusing on Wisconsin. Donald Trump made headlines in the state by saying women who receive abortions should be punished. He later walked back the statement. But Booker says the campaign isn’t just about a woman’s access to health care. He says Hillary is looking to do things Trump and others aren’t doing like paid family leave, increasing the minimum wage, and universal preschool. In the latest Marquette Law School poll Hillary trails Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic nomination for President. Booker says that’s why Clinton is working so hard to get supporters out to vote. Booker has been mentioned as a possible Clinton running mate. He says it’s nice to hear, but not what he’s focusing on. He says he loves being a Senator and hopes to be one for a long time, but he’s focusing on getting Hillary elected.
Bulky Waste Summer Hours Begin
Fond du Lac’s Public Works Department tells us the bulky waste drop-off site begins its summer hours today. It’s located at the City’s Municipal Service Center at 530 Doty Street. That means new hours of service. You can learn about the fee structure, hours of operation and more at the City’s website.
Boys And Girls Club Receives Grant For Sporting Equipment And Apparel
The Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac is getting a $5,000 grant from a national company for sporting equipment and apparel. Dr. Pepper Snapple through their partnership with Good Sports is providing the grant. Officials say that will allow the club to buy 36 basketballs, 16 soccer balls, 12 volleyballs, 11 warm-up pants, six warm-up jackets, equipment bags and pedometers. In total the Club will receive 146 pieces and the donation will impact over 3,500 kids over the next three years.