Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 10/20/14
The Fond du Lac School District is ready to reap the benefits of a naming rights partnership with Acuity. The company paid the district $500,000 in 2009 for the naming rights of the high school’s field house. Superintendent Dr. Jim Sebert says that they’ve had the money in a fund at the Fond du Lac Foundation earning interest. He says right now they will have about $20,000 in interest each year that they have available for use for innovative and creative projects. Sebert says staff members with ideas for projects will be able to apply for funding. He hopes that the project will spur some educators to be more creative in the things they do with kids.
Union Doesn’t Support Sheriff Ninmann
(WBEV-Beaver Dam)-The Dodge County Local Sheriff’s Union has issued a vote of no-confidence in Sheriff Patricia Ninmann. Union President Scott Petrack says that the discussion of the sheriff stemmed from a statement that she made last week during a media interview about the union supporting her for sheriff. Petrack says the union has never and will never support a specific candidate. After the comment was made, the union’s executive board decided to hold a meeting on Thursday to determine how to respond. The committee agreed again not to endorse a candidate and some of the members brought up a “no confidence” vote, which they went ahead with. In a press release Ninmann said that certain members of the department have engaged in what she calls ‘acts of defiance’ because she expects them to perform a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. She went on to say that she will not be bullied into changing her policy of holding the best interest of those she serves as a top priority.
Random Lake Teen Hurt In Sheboygan County Hit And Run
(WHBL-Sheboygan)-A Random Lake teen was hospitalized last night after his car was hit by a hit and run driver. The Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Department says it happened about 6:30 on County I in the town of Sherman just south of the village of Adell. Sergeant Jim Gottsacker says 16-year-old Ross Hurley was headed south on County I when an oncoming pickup truck crossed the centerline and sideswiped his car. The truck then swerved into the ditch but kept on going, hitting a traffic sign and a mailbox and then continuing north on County I. Meanwhile, Hurley was taken by ambulance to Aurora in Grafton with non-life-threatening injuries.
Guns Drawn When Public Safety May Be Endangered
Not every Fond du Lac Police response where officers are seen with weapons drawn means there has been a shooting or the public is at risk. Police Officer Steve Olson says there could be a variety of reasons such as a suicidal subject; someone thought they saw someone with a gun, and worst case scenario it could be an active shooter. He says if there is a possible threat to the public’s safety or the officer’s safety weapons may be drawn. Olson says the community is fortunate in that Fond du Lac Police officers have the training to respond before a SWAT team is called in when lives may be threatened.
Fire Risk Assessments
The Fond du Lac Fire Department does everything it can to make sure they are ready for fire in any of the cities buildings. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase tells KFIZ News that he regularly inspects public buildings and does a risk assessment. They look at construction and check what kind of systems you have such as fire alarm or sprinkle systems so they know in advance if a fire breaks how much water or equipment they might need to fight the fire. They inspect about 2400 buildings each year.
Ripon Pick ‘N Save Recognizes Ripon PD
The honorary employees of the month at the Ripon Pick ‘N Save for the month of September were recognized for their service to the store, but don’t work for it. The Ripon Police Department was honored for its officers’ quick response to an armed robbery that led to the capture of two suspects. An employee of the Ripon Pick ‘N Save nominated the Ripon Police Department.
School Bus Safety Week
October 20th through the 24th is National School Bus Safety Week and the Fond du Lac School District along with Johnson Bus Company want to encourage families to review with their expectations for riding the school bus to and from school each day. Remind your children to “Be Respectful” by following bus drivers’ directions. “Be Responsible” by staying seated while the bus is moving. “Be Safe” by waiting for the bus to stop before getting up to leave, always face forward, watch for the drivers signal to enter and exit the bus. More than 1000 students ride yellow school buses in the Fond du Lac School District each day.
Mercury Museum Open Until November 30th
The museum celebrating Mercury Marine’s 75th anniversary will remain open through November 30th. The museum opened on West Scott Street next to the Children’s Museum this past April as a way to celebrate and showcase the rich history of the company during their diamond anniversary. It will be open from 10am to 4pm Wednesday through Saturday for the remainder of its run. There is a $1 admission fee which is donated to local charities.
Waupun’s SAGES Charter School has seen steady growth in it’s enrollment over the three years it’s been open. The School for Agricultural & Environmental Studies is housed in the former Fox Lake Elementary School in Fox Lake. School Principal Nick Vertz says they primarily draw from the Fox Lake and Randolph area, but students from within and outside the district have also enrolled at SAGES. Vertz says this year their enrollment increased from 106 to 127 students.
Leaf Collection
The City of Fond du Lac’s annual leaf collection begins today. Crews will start in the southeast section of the city and proceed in a clockwise direction. Its expected to take at least seven weeks to complete. You can check the progress of the leaf collection at the city’s website at http://www.fdl.wi.gov/ and click on “Leaf Collection Progress Map” under “Important Notices
Downtown Farmers Market Gets Grant
The Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership has been awarded a $60,505 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers Market Promotion Program. The grant will be used to promote the Downtown Fond du Lac Farmers Market new location on Main Street and expand educational and community market related activities. The Saturday market will be moving to Main Street in 2015. Main Street will be closed weekly from Western Avenue to Sheboygan Street. The market outgrew its previous location at the City/County parking lot and moving to Main Street will allow expansion of vendors, programs and activities.