Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 11/3/14
Sheboygan County Sheriff’s officials say one person was injured Saturday afternoon in a two-vehicle accident in the Town of Wilson. A crash occurred when a Cadillac pulled out from a stop sign in front of a pickup truck at the intersection of County Highway A and Weeden Road. Flight for Life flew the driver of the Cadillac to Froedtert Hospital with serious injuries. Alcohol is a suspected factor in the accident.
Washington County Shed Fire
Fire destroyed a shed and its contents after blowing leaves were ignited by a riding lawnmower in the Town of Jackson Sunday afternoon. Washington County Sheriff’s officials say the fire occurred at a residence on Spring Valley Road. The homeowner called at 4:20 p.m. to say he noticed smoke coming from underneath his riding lawn mower. The leaves underneath the machine started on fire which quickly spread to the southeast corner of the shed. From there the flames spread to the north in the wooded area. Six fire departments were able to put out the blaze. No one was injured.
FDL County Highway VVV Partially Closed Today
A portion of Fond du Lac County Highway “VVV” or Rolling Meadows Drive is closed to traffic from Holiday Lane to County Road “D” starting today for water service work. The closure is expected to last one day. There will be no detour posted.
Good Turnout Expected For Election
Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg is expecting voter turnout Tuesday to be higher than what state elections officials are predicting for the state. The Government Accountability Board is predicting 56.5 percent of registered voters to exercise their right to vote. Freiberg says the turnout should be higher in Fond du Lac County about 68 percent. She says the Congressional race and some referendums should contribute to the Fond du Lac County turnout. She says even with a high turnout she isn’t expecting long lines at the polls. News-Talk 1450 KFIZ will have election reports Tuesday night and results will also be posted at KFIZ.com.
Open Enrollment Period For Medicare Prescription Drug Plans Underway
Fond du Lac County Senior Benefits Specialist Julie Hilbert reminds seniors that the open enrollment period for Medicare Prescription Drug Plans is now through December 7th. It started October 15th and Hilbert says if you have questions about it give her a call at 929-3521. She says it’s worth reviewing your plan. She says one example was a couple that came in to see her and after reviewing the husband’s prescription drug list they found a plan that save him a lot. Hilbert says the names of different plans are also changing if you have an AARP, First Health, and Cigna plans. She also says the Health Market Value Plan is terminating. To make an appointment with Hilbert call (920) 929-3521.
Grothman Says He Has Had To Be A Maverick To Be More Conservative
Sixth Congressional District Republican candidate Glenn Grothman says he doesn’t mind be labeled a maverick in his race against Democrat Mark Harris. The State Senator from Campbellsport and the Town of Osceola says he’s differed with Republican leadership in the state legislature on several issues over the years including legislation on predatory lenders, rent to own and pay day loan stores. He says they were able to take some lines off income tax returns and lower the rates and he’d like to see that accomplished at the federal level as well. He’d also like to see business tax rates become more competitive. Grothman says he would like to see Obamacare repealed, but it isn’t likely to happen while Obama is president.
Space Heater Safety
With a nip in the air more people will be using space heaters something a Fond du Lac Fire Department official says you have to be careful about. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase says they are built safe, but you shouldn’t put anything combustible around them. He says that includes putting things up against them or a child’s toy. He says some newer space heaters are designed to shut off if they are tipped over, but you should always shut them off if they aren’t being used or you’re going somewhere. You should also avoid plugging your space heater into a light-duty extension cord.
Election Day Safety
Wisconsin voters will have plenty on their minds when they head to the polls on Tuesday. However, one thing many people won’t think about is their safety on Election Day. Larry Corsi is with the state Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Safety. He says drivers and pedestrians need to be extra alert, especially with the end of Daylight Saving Time. Corsi says from 5 to 8 o’clock it’s going to be pretty dark and more people than normal will be out on Election Day during that time. He says drivers will have to be more alert. Corsi says there could also be lines at polling places and voters should try to avoid getting in the way of traffic.
Young Professionals Announce Future 5 Award Recipients
The Young Professionals of Fond du Lac recently announced the recipients of the 2014 Future 5 award. Five individuals have been recognized for their outstanding growth, service and leadership in their professional careers and in the Fond du Lac community. The recipients are R. Scott Blamey and Gina Popp of wisnet. Com LLC, Holly Brenner of Agnesian HealthCare, Dan Hebel of the Boys and Girls Club of Fond du Lac County and Nick Nell of Mercury Marine. The Future 5 award recipients will be recognized at the Young Professionals of Fond du Lac Annual Meeting this Thursday at the Holiday Inn in Fond du Lac. In addition the 2014 Young Professional of the Year will be revealed.
FDL Genealogists Host Military Researcher At FDL Public Library Tonight
The Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society invites the public to their meeting at 6 p.m. tonight at the Fond du Lac Public Library. They’ll host Russell Horton from the Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Madison, who will talk about how to research Wisconsin veterans. The son and grandson of Army veterans, Horton is the reference and outreach archivist at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum. Horton is author of the article, “Unwanted in a White Man’s War: The Civil War Service of the Green Bay Tribes.” He helps researchers ranging from genealogists to professional historians learn about the stories and sacrifices of Wisconsin veterans. The Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society promotes researching the lives of our ancestors to show individuals against the backdrop of history. Guests and new members always are welcome to their regular meetings, held at the library on the first Monday of the month. For more information about the society, contact Ramona Abhold at (920) 477-5844 or Kay Conrad at (920) 923-0345.