Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 3/14/16
FDL School Board Preview
The Fond du Lac School Board will hold a workshop following its regular meeting tonight to discuss a Fruth Field improvement project. At the board’s last meeting two people spoke out against the project. It’s estimated the improvements would cost up to $2 million and would include artificial turf. Also at the meeting the board will consider the summer school budget and a 1 percent hike in pay for its 28 administrators. The total cost for the increase in pay for those administrators would come to just under $26,500. The board meets at 5 p.m. at the District Administration Center Board Room on West 9thStreet.
Elks Get Their Charter Back
The Elks Lodge in Fond du Lac has gotten its charter back. Exalted Ruler Joe Leventhal says when the Grand Lodge took over the building on Sheboygan Street it cleared up a lot of their financial problems. He says the Grand Lodge gave them other conditions to meet to get their charter back and they met those conditions. He says they had to commit to have 100 members and they were able to recruit that number. Meanwhile the building on Sheboygan Street is for sale. Leventhal says thanks to the Free Masons they have a place to meet in the meantime. He says they are leasing space until they can find a new location after the building on Sheboygan Street is sold. The Fond du Lac Elks Lodge is the oldest in Wisconsin becoming an official lodge in December of 1886. They moved into the building at the corner of Sheboygan and Portland in 1904.
Walmart Right Turn Lane Should Be Complete This Summer
Fond du Lac Public Works Director Jordan Skiff says a new right turn lane for the southern driveway at Walmart should be completed this summer. He says with state funding for the project they had to do some right-of-way acquisition. He says with the new lane the confusion should be eliminated for drivers leaving the parking lot. He says with the turn lane you will know who is entering the driveway and which cars are going straight ahead. Skiff says that should eliminate a lot of accidents that they had at that driveway.
Johnson On Supreme Court Pick
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson wants to wait on making an appointment to the Supreme Court to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Johnson says in 1992 Vice President Joe Biden was the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time and wanted to do the same thing, wait until the next presidential administration came in to make the appointment. He says Senate Republicans would prefer to wait until after the fall elections when the American people will decide on their next president. But Senator Tammy Baldwin is critical of those Senate Republicans. She says they are not living up to their constitutional duties by holding up the appointment. Johnson says the Supreme Court needs a judge and not a super legislator, which he feels President Obama might pick.
Three Area Schools Being Honored As Schools Of Recognition
Two Fond du Lac Schools and a Campbellsport School District school will be among the 169 schools to receive awards at the State Capitol today as Schools of Recognition. Chegwin Elementary and Parkside Elementary come under the category of “Beating the Odds.” It’s the 12th year Chegwin Elementary has been recognized. Eden Elementary will be honored as a “High Progress” school. The ceremony will be in the Capitol Rotunda at noon. Each school will receive a plaque.
Author Of Hope Legislation Safety Day Speaker
State Representative John Nygren will be the keynote speaker for the Fond du Lac Area Safety Council for the 2016 Safety Day and Safety Award Recognition Ceremony. He will be speaking about Heroin, Opioid Prevention and Education (HOPE). Last session, Rep. Nygren introduced seven bills that laid the foundation for the Heroin, Opioid Prevention and Education (HOPE) Agenda. These bills focused on combating Wisconsin’s heroin epidemic and were passed unanimously by both Houses of the Legislature. During the event there will also be two breakout sessions and safety awards will also be presented. The event will be held at Moraine Park Technical College from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23rd. You can register at the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce website or by faxing a copy of the registration form to 921-9559.
Extra Law Enforcement Patrols For St Pats Weekend
Fair warning law enforcement officers will be out in full force for OWI patrols this St. Patrick’s Days weekend. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says with St. Patrick’s Day falling on Thursday they are expecting it to be a busy weekend, but they are hoping for a safe one. He says it’s a coordinated OWI patrol that involves Fond du Lac, Ripon and Waupun Police, Village of North Fond du Lac Police and the Sheriff’s Office. He says in addition to the OWI patrols they have grants for extra patrols on Highway 23 east of Fond du Lac and a Seatbelt enforcement grant. Olig says have a good time, but if you’re going to drink too much make plans to have someone else who is sober drive for you.